30 Day I Real Time Challenge #12 – Ass, Thighs, & - TopicsExpress


30 Day I Real Time Challenge #12 – Ass, Thighs, & Legs BodyRockers, Everyday, I urge you to give yourself a ‘Power Word‘ that will keep you mentally strong all day long. This is so simple, but I promise will work, it will be like having a little positive personal trainer following you around all day. Write it out right now … go on…. do it :D have you done it ?? brilliant … ok, now pin it to your mirror, yoga mat, purse, credit card, in your phone ;) , on the fridge, computer or desk etc. where ever you spend most time – maybe in a few places Just having that word in your eye line will give you the will power you need not to give up. Why you ask ? well I will tell you :) – It’s because you know what that word means to you & you alone. Subconsciously you know this is what you need to be told today – You know what you want to accomplish & this will help you along, everyone has different goals so make the word you choose powerful & important to you & your path. The Power word I chose for today is Inspire: I found fitness, fitness didn’t find me, I was a skinny tom boy with a hyperactive personality and a concentration span of nil & that all changed when I met the most amazing lady who I adored from the minute I saw her lycra leggings and matching headband ;) . Pam Bryan was my Step Aerobics instructor and she was hardcore!!. I remember walking into her class, feeling so welcome surrounded by lovely people who were all there for the same reason. Working hard but having a real good giggle and supporting each other at the same time. I remember looking at her thinking how strong, confident, beautiful, fit, and just how awesome she was and from that moment on I wanted to be her!! Lycra and all. Fitness, health and wellbeing all come hand in hand and like many of you I lost my mum to Cancer a few years ago, & my sister a few weeks ago and there strength through that terrible illness has touched me forever & made my passion for eating right and staying fit and looking after myself even stronger & complaining about simple things seem trivial. You only have one heart and one body; look after it as well as you can. I have been blessed to have so many friends and one in particular is Mr. Steve Powell who from the day I met filled my life with positive energy and taught me to love just being alive every day. He lives for today no matter what life brings, I adore him & carry the value he taught me with me everyday. Being so far away from home makes me miss my sister and my amazing family and friends (they know who they are ) but when I feel home sick, I remind myself of the reason I love fitness & I read the comment you leave my Facebook & I hope that if I can just inspire one person the way that so many other people have inspired me and continue to do everyday without even realizing it, then it ‘s all worth it. Please Support each other and let them know if you are inspired by someone, they have rough days too & this will keep them motivated :) . Stay positive and most of all believe in your self. Everyday is a blessing. Make your Power Word Count & work for you… It can be anything at all, as long as when that time comes when you feel like giving up you can draw strength from it and keep going towards your goal! Remember, without even realizing it, you are an inspiration to someone (you just don’t know it yet). Let’s keep on striving to be better than yesterday in our hearts, minds & bodies & inspire as many people as we can along the way. bodyrock.tv/2013/10/17/xxxxx/
Posted on: Fri, 25 Apr 2014 04:48:11 +0000

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