30 Day Relationship Challenge Day 1. What do you remember most - TopicsExpress


30 Day Relationship Challenge Day 1. What do you remember most about your first date? Day 2. What is one aspect of your partner’s personality that you find remarkable? Day 3. What is one physical trait of your partner that you adore? Day 4. What is one thing you miss about your partner when they are gone for an extended time? Day 5. What is your partner’s favorite color? Day 6. When arguments arise, what is one thing you would like your partner to do differently in conflict? Day 7. What is one thing your partner could do to make your day easier? Day 8. If you and your partner opened a store, what would it be like (based on your combined interests and talents)? Day 9. Where is one new location you would like to go on a date? Day 10. Write a short, affectionate note to your partner and hide it in their wallet/purse some day this week. Day 11. What is one thing your partner does in the bedroom that you find irresistible? Day 12. What is one new thing you would like to try in the bedroom? Day 13. If your partner could have one superpower, what would it be? Day 14. Which upcoming event (music, sport, theater) would you love to go to with your partner? Day 15. Plan a make-believe vacation: where would you two go and what would you do? Day 16. What is your partner’s favorite movie? Day 17. If you two bought a pet (or another pet), what would it be and what would you name it? Day 18. If your partner could meet and interview anyone (dead or alive), who would it be? Day 19. Name one thing your partner did that upset you over the last month, that they did not know upset you. Day 20. Go out and buy your partner a gift for under $10 and give it to them someday this week. Day 21. What is your partner’s dream job? Day 22. How would you like your partner to regularly show their affection: physical touch, words or affirmation, acts of service, quality time, or gifts? Day 23. Where does your partner spend most of their time at the state fair? Day 24. What is one habit you would like your partner to break? Day 25. Tell your partner one secret (it doesn’t have to be huge) that you’ve never told anyone else. Day 26. What is one activity you do regularly that you would like your partner to join (from time to time)? Day 27. What is one thing you love about your relationship today? Day 28. What is one thing you would like to improve about your relationship over the coming months? Day 29. Plan to make a special meal for your partner over in the next week. Day 30. Enough talk; give your partner a big smooch!
Posted on: Thu, 17 Oct 2013 03:31:44 +0000

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