30. Murderous Tricks in the Moonlight Even in the twilight, the - TopicsExpress


30. Murderous Tricks in the Moonlight Even in the twilight, the Westfallen City building site was a hive of construction activity. The clear evenings moonlight shined down on slightly luminescent & untiring skeletal guards and the evening shifts, determined human crews. They were turning piles of magical black bricks into complete walls with a practiced precision. Third shift blacksmith teams poured brick batter with rare imported black sands, and special enchanted mix from the Lord himself. The teams formed bricks without pause, chiseling away excess. There was an optional Royal quota of production and lavishly rare rewards for the those who applied themselves determinedly. Such was the hard driving but friendly competitive spirit of Westfallen population. Torches burned to light their sweaty labors and at all other work sites. Food and drink were brought to them by skeletal guards, as they didnt want to leave their busy stations and miss the prizes. The enchanted black bricks were brought to building sites by any free flesh bound or skeletal hand, with wheeled carts. This night, the efforts of so many, living and dead, were overseen by one very special women. Lady Ethelfleda was at the center. Her robed, skeletal body glowed with a noble and graceful silver radiance at night. She sat proudly on her brand new heavily enchanted undead horse mount, which had be provided to her by the Lord of the kingdom for her consistent excellence, just that day. Her personal guard of well armed, ornate skeletal guards were mostly deployed in building efforts, while the four remaining, stood near by, in tireless, ornate vigil. Quietly, she was mentally overseeing and assigning actions to the over 1800 skeletal guards at the site. Thankfully, the Lord had upgraded the skeletal guards with the city building design plans, so only minor, specific corrections were necessity. Numerous human work crews had human leaders to whom she was formally in charge, but acting in a merely supportive role if needed. She took a moment of personal satisfaction that such relations were so smooth and stress free for all parties. In this land it was good to be a noble and, it was good to be a common tradesmen both. The yields of fairness, communication and respect, she believed. Two young necromancy class students stood near her and acted as aids. It was functional, but she longed for Hazels inspired and efficient proficiency. She would ask Hazel to return to her side when she had recovered from her perilous quest for the Keystone. Despite the many responsibilities the kingdom required of her, she felt comfortable with Hazel, and had missed her intelligence, practicality and humor, time and again. Lady Ethelfleda wore a small golden tiara, with softly glowing exotic jewels. A shimmering dark violet and gold lace gown was her adornment, which blocked some of her evening skeletal radiance. Her new, ominous and supernatural horse, had been raised from a, best of breed, dead cavalry horse, from the dead at the Rywent battlefield. The Lord had enhanced it beyond sane expectations in thanks to her. Its eyes radiated a threatening red glow, and mist-like dark energies radiated around. Below its moss green decayed mane, were rich royal purple barding fit for a noble. She was very pleased to have a mount again. She mentally considered the advantages and disadvantages of being more careful with this mount. Residential blocks and the two temples were going up first. New permanent, magically protected homes for the people and centers for divine spiritual protections for the kingdom, were the priority now that the underground work was finished and sealed over the last week. Several large areas were set aside for later, possible lager structures, once the main city was rebuilt. With black bricks as a primary building material, additional small but delightful fountain plazas, garden areas, festivities, and festival route ways were incorporated into the building design. Additionally, Hecates priests were to seek strategic places to add areas of seasonally changing, magical colored lighting, so the town was more captivating for it living and working populace. When the Lord put his plans to the people weeks ago, they had agreed to this plan, but it would be altered as needs until both sides were very pleased. Such was the way of thing in the strange but often ideal lands Westfallen controlled. She sensed the careful approach of a uncontrolled undead vampire in the near region and willed him immediately to her company. He would be indoctrinated into the kingdom, escorted out of the kingdom, or eradicated as the kingdoms law and previous experience warranted. There were to be no standing, preventable dangers to the living populace, as the living were a precious value to the Lord. The people worked to fairly serve the undead nobility, and the nobility existed to protect, and ensure the welfare and contentment of the people. There was much work to do, and all hands, skinned or not, would work together to get it done for the mutual benefit of all. Both sides had signed the Declaration of Dual Servitude, six years earlier, and all actions by all parties supported it in the kingdom to this day. Now it was the culture itself and pact of the land. Ah, he hath arrivd, Lady Ethelfleda thought to herself. She sent the aide necromantic students to inspect work areas, on tour, so she could focus on this issue. And to protect there lives, if there was a problem. Her skeletal guards stepped closer to her in protective, ready stances, with glowing black swords out. The disheveled, medium build, grey haired, unwashed renegade vampire was escorted into her presence by six skeletal guards and two Vampire night Watch Officers. He had a fugitive look in his hungry eyes. Not knowing her personally, but perceived her higher authority. Still regally mounted, Lady Ethelfleda mentally said, State thy purpose in these lands, in her musical but otherworldly tones. Looking up at her, he verbally replied Oh royal one, is this truly the land were we may be free, to be our nature, without fear of harm? She replied, Thre is nay freedom in this landeth, all souls serveth togethr. I will showeth thou. Lady Ethelfleda mentally requested the nearest human overseer to her side. She was surprised to see Archery Sub-commander Milchar walk quickly to her and say. How may I serve you my Lady? The disheveled vampires eye brightens seeing such professional looking human thrall serving these undead masters. Perhaps this was paradise, as some of his kin has said. To Milchar, Lady Ethelfleda thought,I am surprisd ye are awaketh. I expecteth a simple frman to respondeth. In reply, the professional and experienced, human archery officer said,I couldnt sleep, so to be useful, I was supervising human brick transport crews so the foremen and crews could take a much needed break, in crew sequence. Looking farther afield saw several Archery unit members helping the transport crews. Pleased, as she was quite often with Sub-commander Milchar, she mentally said to him Again thou proveth thy excellence and serviceth to our lands. is thither a way I can aid thou and thy galant mens effrts? The disheveled vampire puzzled as this was not the dominance he expected. The man radiated no fear, yet offered martial obedience. Curiously, there was a mutuality between the living and the dead here. But what did that really mean? he thought, not sure what to think. Milchar replied to the Lady, My Lady, the transport carts are wearing down fast. They were good for the first two weeks but now they are borderline, I formally request, on behalf of three shifts of transport crews, and the good of the kingdom, your Royal Highness, that they be replaced as we have much more work to do here. She mentally replied, Thy awareness and fresight art blessing to our kingdom. Thy requesteth is grantd and I will seeth to its fulfillment. Pleaseth returneth to thy wise duties, with our appreciation. To which Milchar smiled, bowed low, then walked back into the hive of busy moving workers. The disheveled vampire was confused and wondering exactly who was running this place. He thought, Power was to be exploited, that was the way of nature. Telepathy, at such close range, was among the Ladys numerous abilities so she mentally replied to his unspoken aloud questions. Beasts exploit powr to their owneth self destruction. To endureth, powr wilt be shard and usd wisely only. Art thou a mre beast or a thinking soul? He wonder how to connect so many new ideas together into one picture, finally offering May I live in these lands if I only prey on beasts? Her was reply was well practiced, Nay, options art three fr thou. First. srves all the beings of the kingdom, from the Lrd of the kingdom to farmrs child, as we all wilt, fr mutuality. Second. Thou wilt leaveth and not returneth. Third. Immediate death, if that is thy desire. As the disheveled considered, one of the closer Vampire Night Watch Officers spoke to him., Do you see what Im doing? I get blood, live safe, have friends, and saucy lover. If thats all you need, you can come with me and check it out before deciding. But if you need the thrill of the hunt and the taste of the kill you can leave or die and well make it fast for you. Respect in life and in death. I was in your shoes two years ago and you see the choice I made. What do you think? The disheveled vampire centered himself, suddenly smiled widely. Acidly said, Your lies fool no one. You are all twisted monsters, but my beloved goddess wants YOU, High Lady. As he spoke he pulled out a glowing white holy symbol to the Holy Mother, and called for her aid, in a blur of motion, The very strong vampire illusion fell away revealing a fanatical priest in white robes. As the guards rushed attack him on sight, he simply said a single word, and it was,Detonate. In their view, the world ignited with blast of fire. The ear shatteringly loud, unexpected explosion ended the existence of the two Vampire Night Watch Officers, and the immediate shock wave shattered the close at hand, ten skeletal guards, and blew Lady Ethelfleda off her stead, wounding her. More guards arrived in moments, but there was nothing to do, no enemies to apprehend. It was over, except of taking the High Lady to the Lord, and the crying of those that loved the these vampires night watch members. The event stopped work for the night as defenses were set up in case of a reoccurrence. Archery Sub-commander Milchar took charge of the workers who remained at their stations and organized the fractional crews efforts so the next shift would start off advantaged. This is not honorable warfare he thought disgusted. At least, he thought to himself, Ive chosen the honorable side. But that was of small consolation after an event like this. A mile way, in the safe rooms of the malevolent-looking Westfallen Castle, Hazel slept feverishly. Repeating the word No! to the visions of places she had never been, things that should not exist, and acts to horrible to describe that filled her nightmare. In the dark room, no one could tell that some of her long black hair was turning white. There was no one else in the room. But close to her, tiny whispers could be heard.
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 03:43:40 +0000

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