30 October 2014 Perry Christie Prime Minister of the - TopicsExpress


30 October 2014 Perry Christie Prime Minister of the Bahamas [email protected], [email protected] [email protected], [email protected] Prime Minister Christie, Re: immediate cessation of covert depopulation measures The Bahamas was forced into the Global Depopulation Policy by its British administrators in 1967 until 1970 and has resumed covert depopulation measures upon becoming independent and joining the UN in 1973. As a result, the total fertility rate has decreased from circa 4 children per woman in the 1960s to just 1.9 since 2006. From 1967 to 1970 the fertility reduction was accomplished through forced, coercive and involuntary surgical sterilization programs conducted by western NGOs. Since 1973 the fertility and health of the Bahamian people have been subverted through fluoride in various forms. From 1990 to 1992, for instance, a daily fluoride mouth-rinse program was in effect targeting children in public schools from first to sixth grades. From 1994 to 1996, children in elementary schools received 0.5 mg F daily as a dietary supplement. Fluoride varnish treatments, fluoridated salt and even fluoridated water have been in effect or continue to be in effect depending on the period, island and socio-economic class. The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and your own Ministry of Health are in charge of covertly subverting the fertility of your people with endocrine disruptors such as fluoride and in the process doing untold damage to the health and to the genetic and intellectual endowment of Bahamians. Just how much damage is being done worldwide in the name of demographic objectives dictated by the UN you can ascertain from my work, which is freely available here: uvic.academia.edu/KevinGalalae. Considering that your population has increased from 80,000 in 1950 to 320,000 today, a fourfold increase in just six decades, and that your natural resources and landmass are very limited, I can understand your nation’s need for effective population control. What I can neither understand nor tolerate, however, is the underhanded, illegal, immoral and perverse methods chosen to accomplish low fertility targets. If you continue violating your people’s rights and liberties and perverting the rule of law and democracy in the process you will inevitably face charges for crimes against humanity now that I have freed the truth and your people as well as people everywhere on earth are finding out about the ongoing genocide and that their own governments and elected officials are behind it. I therefore urge you, for your sake and for the sake of peace and stability, to immediately change course and to legislate population control. You should be aware that I am in the process of forging global consensus for a replacement level fertility law that applies worldwide and derives from the global governance level as a Planetary Security Prerogative. By throwing your support behind my effort, which invites all heads of state and government to contribute, as you will see in my public appeal (https://scribd/doc/244102616/Stop-Poisoning-Us-Volumes-1-2) , we can prevent genocide and achieve the Millennium Development Goals. You will undoubtedly agree with me that the Bahamian people will not willingly trade their hard-won freedom from slavery two centuries ago for a far more diabolical and intrusive form of slavery for population control purposes in this century. The Bahamas can fulfill its international obligations and national ambitions while at the same time protecting its people, respecting the law, and retaining its values and norms. I can show you how. I look forward to meeting with you to discuss this most important subject. Sincerely, Kevin Galalae Center of Global Consciousness
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 13:49:43 +0000

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