30. So, Mamie didnt knw what happened.. We had to fill her in. - TopicsExpress


30. So, Mamie didnt knw what happened.. We had to fill her in. I told her about the dream and how things got to that point. Shame my friend broke down and cried.. She felt sorry for meam she even blamed herself for taking me to makhosi in the 1st place. I didnt blame her.. This had to happen right? Sometime. I was only sorry that she got caught up in this.. Me: dont blame urself mati. U couldnt have predicted the future. I can never blame u.. Im jus glad u here.. Mamie: still.. I shouldnt have taken u there.. Siya: it doesnt matter now. What matters is how we are going to deal with this. Im not always around u.. Fact is, they cant do anything when Im around. But when Im not.. Mamie: then be around her always, Siya. Ok that was funny.. We burst out laughing at that. It was the way she said it. She knew that it was almost impossible. Mamie: u know you love her.. (Silence) come on, Ive seen how u look at her. Somebody pleeease shout AWKWARD!! She always had a mind of her own. No1 said anything.. We were thinking of other things.. I must say, I was hoping siya would comment on that but nooo.. Siya: thats not important. We have to find a way to end this once and for all.. (Loojed my way) when was the last time u went to ur grans house? Me: yoooh.. Its been a while joe. Siya: we should go. There must be something there we can use.. I wasnt so sure. But it seemed like a good idea.. I went and looked for the key and found it. I changed quickly and we left. We stood at the gate and no one wanted to go in first. I decided to go and Siya stopped me.. Siya: wait.. Take off ur shoes. (We did he went near the gate before I opened it and he kneeled..) Bo gogo (clapped twice) bo mkhulu (clapped twice) sicelindlela (clapped twice) inkanyiso (clapped twice) impumelelo (clapped twice) sicela nisbonise.. Nisbonise ukhanya (clapped twice) susani ubumnyama (clapped twice) nankumtwna wenu (clapped twice) Lizizi- uJamasjado.. (Clapped twice) thokozani.. He stood and went in. Told us to kneel once at the game before we entered. We all went in. I opened the door and the house was clean.. There was a smell of a freshly cooked meal.. She was here he said. I didnt entertain it. We went through her staff. Everything.. Checked the cupboards.. Drawers-everything. Mamie called us over.. Mamie: guys.. Check this out. Siya: whatsup. (Mamie had a photo in hand) Mamie: who is this? Me: my gran.. Mamie: and who does that look like?( I took the photo from her) Me: thaaat looks like.. No way Mamie: way girl..way! Me: so they knew each other? Siya: looks like it.. In that photo.. My gran looked younger. So did makhosi. They looked like they were at a place of initiation.. With an older woman. I guessed it was their Gobela. But.. If they initiated at the same place, that made them brother and sister. What happened? I wish people had diaries then.. Siya: this is the root of everything. Whatever happened started here. Me: I think so too.. Siya: I dont know where to start now.. The only other person that knows what happened is dead. Mamie: there must be a way. Me: uhh.. Cant we bring her up? Her spirit I mean Siya: how do u know abot that? Not many people know that.. Me: I didnt.. Was just asking. Siya: well we can.. But thats dangerous.. Me: how? Siya: she migt not want to go back Me: what? Siya: yes. But it could hell if we did bring her.. Me: can u? Siya: yes I can. But its sacred. Mamie: just do it man.. Siya: not that easy.. It would have to be on a saturday.. Midnight. Me: what do we need? Siya: dont woerry about that.. Mamie, do u know what u are letting urself into? Mamie: (looked at me) no.. But Id go to hell and back for her That touched me. We didnt really find anything there but atleast we knew the war was between the two. We left and again Siya let her know we were gone. That was kinda cute to watch.. He got up and we left. Mamie: guys, I have a plan * * * Ok.. Why dont u guys run away together? Me: mmh? U crazy? Mamie: maybe.. Guys, siya is ur only shield now. Atleast we know u safe when u with him. Siya: haha thats a bit too much. Why dont I just sleep at ur crib everynight and leave in the morning? Me: could work. Mamie: oh boring! Go somewhere and get married mahn Siya: all in goo time.. Did he just? Wow ohk. I accted like I didnt care but my heart was singing. I realised I kinda liked him.. Ook not kinda. I did like him- a lot! He smiled at me, I melted. We left and went to my crib and my folks werent there yet. I made the something to eat and I couldnt even eat infront of him. Lol yea yea- I know wha u guys are thinking. Makhosi is out for my head and Im falling inlove. Murder me! My dad called.. Dad: nan Uryt? Me: ewe tata, unjanumama? Dada: shes fine nunu. Ill be home late neh.. Ask mamie to wait with u if u are afraid. Me: ohkay ke. I love u Dad: yaxoka.. Ndim othanda wena.. Aaah.. Isnt he great? We went on watching movies and really, having these two heare made feel great.. To be cont.. Le rata ditaba
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 20:27:39 +0000

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