30 days of Halloween October 15 I watched the original 50s - TopicsExpress


30 days of Halloween October 15 I watched the original 50s invasion of the body snatchers. The novel the movie is based on the body snatchers has also been adapted into movies in the 70s, 90s and in 2007. I have seen the 70s and 90s one more than once but I think I have only seen the 2007 one once. I thought the original 50s one which I watched on DVD still holds up. The plot is similar to later adaptations. I thought the movie had well done artistically black and white cinematography and compared to the later ones this is more science fiction. Watching the movie I do think though the filmmakers were influenced by black and white horror movies. The movie is just an hour and 20 minutes long but I think is the right length overall. My one complaint is while the ending is somewhat vague the main character does warn people off the alien invasion so I think an ending like the 70s one would have been a better fit with the story and overall have more of an impact. I like old movies but dont really seek out or watch many made before the 60s this one though I would recommend since it has mood, atmosphere, the right pacing (the plot moves at a decent pace) and anyone has seen and enjoyed the later adaptations of this story which follow and in my opinion with the 70s one improves on this story will probably enjoy this movie. I also watched the original Carrie. I saw it after watching the remake but I am counting it for this post anyways. The movie of course is based on the Stephen King novel. I am probably going to post my thoughts on the remake but I am saving that for a another post. The movie is from 1976 and I have not the read book either. The movie generally still holds up and I think most people can relate to Carrie white. Also while not as impressive now the telekinesis scenes and the prom rage where Carrie snaps still look decent as far as special effects go. I also thought Spacek and Piper Laurie do give memorable performances as Carrie White and the crazy religion fanatic mom. I also noticed in mostly a good way the movie did take inspiration from Hitchcock especially Psycho. On the downside the fashion, hairstyles and so forth dont date quite as well. Also the ending I have mixed feeling since years later the original Friday the 13th movie used a similar ending and I think I like Fridays more even though technically Carrie did it before Friday the 13th. The movie is on DVD and blu-ray. On blu-ray though it has pretty much been just the movie release except for a two disc blu-ray DVD combo pack that has a DVD copy of the special edition DVD that was released by MGM home video in 2001. So I recommend the movie which also went on to spawn a sequel, TV movie adaptation and this year remake based on the Stephen King novel.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 10:02:17 +0000

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