303:058 : By creating Sikh prabandhak committe like law for Hindu - TopicsExpress


303:058 : By creating Sikh prabandhak committe like law for Hindu temples, we can stop downfall of Hinduism; details ... November 20, 2013 at 10:22pm ( INCOMPLETE - (1) pls like if you wish completed article (2) all comments posted before completion will be deleted )Summary - Since 300 BC, Hinduism has stopped expanding and since 700 AD it has been steadily shrinking. In 300 BC, Hinduism was from Afghanistan to Philippines. Some 35% of population and some 50% of the area was lost by 1600 AD. The Sikhs and Maratha drastically reduced the loss, but the reconquest for too weak compared to Spanish reconquesta. And in 1947, Hindus lost all their territory in Pakistan\Bangladeshi. And after 1947, half the North East and half the Kashmir has been lost. And since 1700 till today, Hinduism has been losing against Missionaries. And in past 20 years, the rate at which Hinduism is losing against Missionaries has been steadily rising. IMO, following are the two sets of present day reasons why Hinduism is declining :- (1) the Missionaries have tie up with MNC-owners and MNC-owners have better technology\Military than India, because West has RTR police Chief, RTR-judges,, Jury System, Wealth Tax, Inheritance Tax in Western countries etc while we dont have such laws in India (2) The appointments and wealth-allocation in Churches is better managed than temples. Why do I say so? See below (2) (a) in one Protestant sect namely Church of England, the allocation of church money is decided by Priests, but Priests are appointed by PM\MPs !! In all other Protestant sects, local community elders appoint appoint local priests ; so inheritance over church money simply doesnt apply ; and so protestant churches have no tendency to hoard wealth, and so they use their wealth in community building and expansion, (2) (b) the allocation of church money in Catholics is decided by Priests headed by Pope ; the next Pope is elected by 100-200 seniormost priests titled as cardinals ; so inheritance doesnt exist as priests cant marry, and guru-pratha i.e. existing head appoints next head doesnt exist ; and so catholic churches have no hoarding and also use their donation money in community building and expansion, (2) (c) temple moneys use is decided by temple-owners (trustees) and or sect-head (Guru) which owns these temples. The trustee positions pass via inheritance or using guru-pratha i.e. Guru appoints next Guru. So tehere is tendency to hoard wealth and also use it away in creating gaudy shows and luxuries. (3) The solution was worked out by Sikh Gurus, particularly, 10th Sikh Guru Shri Gobind Singh and was implemented over Gurudwara, but sadly never implemented over all temples across India. And IMO we should implement it today. The solution is --- by creating Silkh Gurudwara Prabandhak Committee type law for all Hindu temples, we can fix 2nd factor, and stop downfall of Hinduism. (4) To fix the factor-1, we need to have RTR, JurySys, wealth tax, inheritance tax etc laws in India, which I have discussed on rahulmehta/301.htm . This facebook-note is only on how Hinduism can be strengthened . ======= end of summary ===== 1. Religious beliefs and appointments/administration in Religious bodies There are two aspects in religion --- beliefs on spirituality and administration of temple wealth. The administration aspect also includes rules for appointments of priests and temples managers\owners. IMO, Hinduism has been losing only because temple wealth is administered poorly. The followers in each religion donate huge funds to their temples (or mosques or churches or ashrams etc). Now I would compare and contrast how different religion administer temple i.e. what procedure is used to decide following matters (a) who will decide where to use temple money (b) who appoints temple managers and priests and now one generation appoints the next generation of priests (c) and how temple wealth passes from one generation to another. So are Temple wealths managed in ancient Hinduism, present day Hinduism, Churches, Mosques, Gurudwara etc? ======== 2. Administration inside temples, mosques etc in different religions 2.1) Administration of temples in ancient Hinduism - In Ramayan and Mahabharat, one doesnt find mention of even one temple which has huge amount of gold and wealth !! All we read about are Ashrams , and worship was done mostly via Yagna i.e. using fire. The donation money coming to ashrams was mainly used to support cows, provide cow milk to all, provide education to education of Maths, Science, Law, Language and Weapon Use to all children, be rich or poor in the society, provide medicine to the poor and the general welfare of poor. Thats why Ashram head was later called as Purohit -- per hit i.e. one who thinks about others well being !!! And there was no inheritance over Ashram. Ashram would not necessarily pass to Ashram heads son. It would pass from one Saint to another Saint respected in community. Such setup is now seen in very few Hindu sects only. Say of followers : It is not clear to me how much say followers had, as it is now matter of past and not too many documents exist. 2.2) Administration of temples in present day Hindu temples - Today, temples are not community property. They are owned but trusts, and for all legal purposes, they are as good as private property. The temple owners aka trustees decide where temple wealth will be used. Trustees are often lifelong and temple owners decide the next set of temple trustees i.e. owners !! The temple passes from one trustee to another via appointments by existing trustees. And most key persons appoint themselves with lifelong term. So sometimes, management may remain with an inefficient person for a long long time. And when existing owners pass away, the new owners are appointed by inheritance i.e. son of temple owner becomes temple owner or some nephew of that temple owner will become temple owner. And in some sects where temple-owners have to remain unmarried, there is guru-pratha i.e. outgoing temple-owner will appoint one of his favorite disciple as next guru. Transfer of priest may happen, but if sect is small, then there will not be much transfers. Say of followers : The followers , including even middle elitemen, have NO say over message the priests give or in deciding how temple managers will use wealth. The apex elitemen will have significant say as the priests do depend on temple trustees. But in temples where priests are the owners themselves, even apex-elitemen have very little say. 2.3) Administration of Mosques - The mosques are owned by trusts called as Wakfs , and trustees are community elders, respectable businessmen, persons seen as warriors for community and other persons with good reputation in community. They are appointed in open public meeting with consensus of local muslim elders. Every local muslim is asked to attend such meetings. There is NO formal voting, but implicit vote does occur. The trustees are NOT for lifetime and they retire after 4-5 years and may get re-appointed. The trustees son does NOT have guaranteed position. Too many members from same family is discouraged. In fact, some trusts practice tradition that only one person from family can become trustee at a time. The trustees appoint mullah and he is salaried employee. The trustees decide how temple wealth and donations will be used. There is NO inheritance and no guru-pratha in prieshood. Mullah have to have degree from recognized collages such as Deobadhi etc. The transfers of Mullahs from some mosque to another is common. The mullahs also perform semi-judicial duties in some areas and resolve disputes and also dispense punishments. This is sometimes called as Shariyat Courts. All judicial and management decisions are taken in public meetings. Say of followers : The poor followers have no say, but the middle elitemen become mosque trustees. And so middle elitemen have control over priests and thus control over the message that the priests give; and middle elitemen also have control over how mosque funds will be used. 2.4) Administration of Catholic Church - (see bible.ca/catholic-church-hierarchy-organization.htm) The catholic priests remain unmarried and cant have any property in their own name. All property and donations coming to Church belongs to the Vatican. The Catholic hierarchy is as follows - Pope -> Bishop -> Local Priest . There are some 3000 Bishops and some 200,000 Local Priests who serve some 1 billion Catholics across the world. Some Bishops have titles of Cardinals and Arch-Bishops, and title is given by Pope after opinions by existing Cardinals and existing Arch-Bishops. And most important thing seen is how many members they have added and retained. There are some 120 Cardinals as of today. Cardinals serve life time, but they generally become inactive after age of about 80 years though title of Cardinal remains with them. Popes term is lifetime, but now trend that Pope will retire at the age of about 85 years may be shaping. The most important difference between Catholicism and present day Hindu Sects is that 100-150 Cardinals elect next Pope and thus next pope is NOT via inheritance or via guru-pratha. The outgoing Pope makes no statement or will on who will be next Pope. Since priests dont marry, the question of inheritance doesnt arise across hierarchy . In case the priest has affair and has a child from the affair, then the child need not want to remain unmarried and so he may not even join priesthood. The transfers inside the country as well as across the world is common.This gives priests a worldwide exposure. The priests are encouraged to take professions. eg many priests work as teachers, doctors, lawyers, editors and even menial jobs are not looked down upon. eg some priests have worked as carpenters as well. The priests are discouraged from taking jobs in Polic and Government positions with power, except during wars when priests are allowed and even encouraged to serve as soldiers !! From 300 AD onwards, many priests worked as judges across Europe, and this reduced after Jury System started across Europe. Due to vow of poverty, the Priests cant own any property in his name. They dont have any house, any car or even a bank account in their name. All wealth is in the name of Church. And salary they make from their profession is also deposited in church !! And the vow of poverty prohibits them from consuming luxurious items. Say of followers : The followers, be poor or middle elitemen or apex-elitemen have no direct say, but given that there is no inheritance in priests 2.5) Administration of the Church of England is headed by Queen of England , and Archbishop of Canterbury. In theory, PM and MPs have no say but in reality, PM and MPs do have broad say in how Queen and Archbishop and Priests run the Church of England. The PM and MPs, and even Queen doesnt interfere in day today matters. But long range policy decision making involves Queen, PM and MPs in very indirect way. How? The Archbishop of Caterbury is appointed by Queen = PM. And the priests are recruited/promoted by a Board which is formed by Archbishop, Queen = PM and MPs !! And MPs are elected by voters. In addition, Jury Trial applies on criminal actions of priests. Say of followers : The followers of the Church, namely people of England, have control 2 ways to control the Church - via PM and via Jury. Thus Church of England is fully democratic. And via MPs via PM via board to select/promote priests, the followers have control over what message that the church will give to commons, and how church wealth will be used. 2.6) Administration of Episcopal Protestant Church : The church is owned by a trust formed by Episcopal elitemen. The Trustees rotate and same inheritance is not guaranteed. The priests are appointed by Trustees who are elitemen. But the criminal actions by priests will be decided by Jurors chosen at random from society. So they have near zero control over society. But followers have no direct control over Church owners or managers, except via Jury. But Jury is chosen from whole of the society, not just followers. And Jury will intervene only if there is criminal intervention, not otherwise. Say of followers : Since elitemen are the trustees, and they appoint the priests, the followers have no direct say on what message priests will give. But the followers can vote with their feet, and join any other Church !! And Church or Priests cant use force to stop them as Jurors will simply not allow them to use any force. So in order to retain followers, the Church trustees and priests do have to listen and cater the followers. 2.7) Administration of other Protestant Churches (other than Church of England) : Almost all Protestant Churches, except Church of England, in Europe and USA, are administered in a way similar to Episcopal Church. The sect is headed by a trust consisting of elitemen of sect. The trusts appoints the Priests who give message and give spiritual counseling. Say of followers : Since elitemen are the trustees, and they appoint the priests, the followers have no direct say on what message priests will give. But the followers can vote with their feet, and join any other Church !! And Church or Priests cant use force to stop them as Jurors will simply not allow them to use any force. So in order to retain followers, the Church trustees and priests do have to listen and cater the followers. 2.8) Administration of Sikh Gurudwara : IMO, the Sikh Gurudwara administration is the best of all ways, and appears to be most Vedic in nature. And IMO, all Hindu temples should be administered along this lines. And the singlemost reason why the Sikhs became so powerful was because the way Gurudwara were administered. have SGPC Act i.e. Sikh Gurudwara Prabandhak Committee Act and all Gurudwara are administered as per the guidelines of this act. I have described this in next section in details.
Posted on: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 19:07:41 +0000

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