308 days gone, 57 days left Tue. Nov 4th, 2014 #WordFromCurtis - TopicsExpress


308 days gone, 57 days left Tue. Nov 4th, 2014 #WordFromCurtis is UNDERSTAND GRACE, NEITHER ABUSE NOR MISUSE IT TEXT: Romans 5:20, 6:1 - Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound: .... What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? Mens thoughts concerning sin, Christ, and holiness, concerning this world and the other, vastly differ from Gods; but in nothing more than in the matter of pardon. We forgive, and cannot forget; but when God forgives sin, he remembers it no more. All thanks to the door of grace opened for us all in Christ. But there is coming such a time in this life, (it is certain that at death and judgment) that the door will be shut. The door of grace wasnt opened for us to toy with sin or downplay the laws of God but in order to relate well with the laws and have dominion over sin. - the laws required either instant death or sacrifices to atone. Repentance wasnt possible, just outward signs of regrets. Moreover, those who could pay corrupt leaders often got away free - grace puts both the penalty & remission in Christ. Here were given the Word of repentance, & true grace would teach you NOT to be disobedient to God. - Hes paid the remittance price and is coming to exact judgement where Hed give the penalty, hence the need for repentance. 1. To repent is to return to our Lord, against whom we have rebelled. And it through Jesus. If we do so, God will multiply to pardon, as we have multiplied to offend. BUT LET NONE TRIFLE WITH THIS PLENTEOUS MERCY, OR USE IT AS AN OCCASION TO SIN. 2. When we change from evil doing we must change from evil thoughts too:- There must be not only a change of the way, but a change of the mind. It is not enough to break off from evil practices, we must strive against evil thoughts too. Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen. Experience shalom... #TonicForRighteousLiving °Curtis Judd Nana Ahenkan° Alleluia! Forever Inc.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 13:40:38 +0000

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