#30_THINGS YOU SHOULD DO #BEFORE_30; #NUMBER_11 - BEFORE 30 YOU MUST HAVE KNOW THE TRUE DEFINITION OF LOVE. Many young men and women are still misconstrued with the thought of love. You really dont know what love is. When someone walks up to you looks straight into your eyes and beams a smile. That kind of smile that causes your head to stand. And then takes a pause, and softly says to you I LOVE YOU. Your heart melts inside of you. And sometimes you just find out that your mouth is opened with a sigh and you become speechless. Is that love? You see a lot of people dont know what love is and that is why there are unnecessary heart breaks.And you know what? I have been thinking of opening a #HEARTBREAK CLINIC and I think I am going to make some money. This is a clinic that will be open specifically to treat heartbreaks patients, they come to me for counsel and ofcourse the pay me for the heart break solution I give to them. WHAT IS LOVE? When somebody says, I LOVE YOU, what does he mean? Does he mean I LIKE YOU. Does he mean I want to have s*x with you? Does he mean that you look attractive? Is he saying you look seductive? Whats the true defination of I LOVE YOU? The I LOVE YOU I am talking about here is not the agape love. NO! It is not that type. It is the I LOVE YOU of EROS-You know we have 3 kinds of love. There is the Agape, there is Philo and ofcourse Eros. That kind of I LOVE YOU I like us to be friends. I like us to go out, I like us to court. When you say to someone I LOVE YOU what do you mean? You see you cannot love somebody you meet for the first time. You cannot love someone you dont know. In 5mins you love him or you love her. No! You can like her, you can be attracted to her. But you cannot love a person whose assests and liabilities you cant define. Because eventually love does not just stop as an emotion. LOVE IS CHOICE. You know why we have many gilt cases around. Is because eventually this guy discover that there are liabilities in this new girl he not willing to be responsible for. So he turns his back and flee. But he liked you when your gucci rush is beaming out of your shirt. He liked you when your make up was intact. When your colour combination was perfect for the dinner. When you step out in style walking like a Prime Madonna he liked you! And you were the whole world to him. Momentarily, his memories were corrupted. You dont think he has met anybody like you before. But when the vapour of emotion begins to sublime. When the scales begin to fall from his face. Before you really know whats up, he is out! That is when he becomes evasive. He is not picking your call any more. He is very busy with his project work. But the first time he meets you, he posses as a big boy with his ATM always in is pocket ready to buy you the world. He buys you everything you desire. But all of a sudden he is no where to be found. Now that he knows who you are he has turn his back on you after knowing your character and true colour.Before 30 you should know the true meaning of love.Before 30 you must have know love is a responsibility, love is a choice.Love is much more than giving.Love is not all about exploting somebody else. Love is not exploitative. Love is not all about s*x. Love does not try to manipulate the other person. Love does not take the pride and dignity out of the other person. Love does not steal from the other person. The bible defines the true meaning of love in First Corinthians 13:4-6, Love is patient, Love is kind, It does not envy, It does not boast. Its is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self seeking. It is not easily angered, it keeps no records of wrong... God is love . Love is patient even when it comes with emotion you are willing to wait for it. S*X is worth waiting for zip up! S*X before marriage is a sin. As a young person dont go into a relationship because of S*X. If you are a lady dont marry a man that cannot control his below the belt faculty. No matter how its doing you-WAIT! The truth is God has given us the ability to control what He has given us. You are not a dog. Control is in your hand. If he loves you then he should wait for you. If he loves you he will make himself deserve you. He will be willing to pass through all the challenges and rigor and bodly come to your parents that, I am ready to marry your daughter not to a house but to a home. He will prepare himself to make you proud. The person will prove his love as he continues to know you. So if you are living in a mans house that has not yet paid your bride price -PACK. Any body that puts you in his house without a bride price is a thief. PACK YOUR LOAD AND RUN FOR YOUR DEAR LIFE. You have dignity. You have worth and you are valuable. LET HIM DESERVE YOU. You are not an emotional dust bin for someone who cannot control his emotional excesses.You cannot be a dumping ground for someones else emotional errors.SO BEFORE 30 YOU MUST HAVE KNOW THE TRUE DEFINITION OF LOVE.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 12:30:34 +0000

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