31/8/2014. Jay Shri Krishna We are thinking the intrigues of - TopicsExpress


31/8/2014. Jay Shri Krishna We are thinking the intrigues of Mind, and how mind incites you for complexities. We saw that mind never opts for calm and actionless status of person. If I tell you thousands of times that you need not do anything, you are fine as you are, and whatever deterioration you have now, is due to your actions only, but you will not buy my idea. But if some Pundit tells you that you do so and so Jap for this much time, it will make you better, you will readily accept his advice. If I cite thousands of quotes from Vedas, Gita, or other Scriptures, you will not find them acceptable. It is not that you accept better option; you accept only those ideas which befit your mindset and your thinking. You have created your own Vedas and Gita, without putting them to test of their genuineness, and ideas that fix your belief are acceptable you. So my telling you that don’t waste time wandering here and there, but sit down still and quiet and try to see within, where you will find the truth, will not be agreeable to you. Ashhtavakra tells King Janak, यदि देहं पृथक्कृत्य चिति विश्रम्य तिष्ठसि । अधुनैव सुखी शान्तो बन्धमुक्तो भविष्यसि । १/४ (यदि देहको अलग करके चित्तमें तु विश्राम करेगा तो तुम शिध्रही सुखी शांत और बंधनसे मुक्त होजायेगा) . If you rest within after separating from the body, soon you shall find yourself happy, calm and free from the bondage. I assure you that whatever above is told is true, the whole true and nothing but the true. To separate the body means, to consider body separate from the Soul. It is just a reference, because body and Soul are separate, you have nothing to do to separate them. Only care you have to take is don’t mingle them, dont consider them one and same, that is all. Then you have just to rest in within. Rest within means no outward commotion. If this done, you will find that you are happy, peaceful and liberated from the bonds, attachments, Maya, Sansar, Bhavsagar, Sansarsagar, whatever name you give. How much time it will take to affect these changes? अधुनैव | Immediately. The moment you rested within, at that very moment changes take place. As such change has always taken place, but you never have tested them. Say you have four floors in your house. You have used three floors only. You never knew that your house consists of four floors. Suddenly the architecture of your house comes to visit your house and asks you to show your entire house. You show three floors only. He says what about fourth floor? You say your house has only three floors. He leads you through secret stair and shows you the fourth floor. When he opened the door of the entrance, the fourth floor was ready. You had not to construct it. It was there when you were not using it. Same way you are already happy, peaceful and liberated from all bonds. It is limitation of language, so it is to be used that way. Otherwise you are always liberated. You just have to rest within. But you believe you are wiser than Rishes of Vedas. You have more value for useless preaching of your idiot Pundits than Rishes of Vedas and Lord Krishna. Let me try to convince you logically that your efforts in the form of Vrat, Tap, Jap, Upavas (Fasting), Mala, etc are to no avail as far as realisation of God is concerned. Let us put thus. If I ask you a question whether it is possible to get God by money? You will immediately say: “No”. Now think rationally. Money is a more dense form of actions. Your painstaking actions have resulted into money. One unit money may be ten times worth of one unit of action. Now let us take other way round. Ghee is more dense form of milk. Ghee is ten times costlier than milk. If you reside in a land where the exchange of the things is a currency, then if you want to purchase wheat in exchange of milk or Ghee, then naturally you will have to give ten times more milk in comparison of Ghee for purchase of same quantity of wheat. Same way if you can avail the realisation of God by your efforts in the form of Vrat, Tap, Jap, Mala, etc, then that realisation can also be available by exchanging ten times less money units than the actions units. But friends, as you know, you can’t avail realisation of God by money, you can’t avail it by your actions also, which are ten times cheaper than money. My divine brothers and sisters, try to realize this naked and simple truth. You have limited breaths to attain your aim in this human life. So leave all actions. Actions are perishable and ephemeral; they can’t avail imperishable and eternal. Try to rest within, that is the only way, and everything is yours. May God bless you.
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 06:22:05 +0000

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