31 DAYS OF HALLOWEEN WEEK FOUR – DAY 28 EVIL DEEDS By D P Sloan First of all, let me say that what you are about to read here is all very true as God is my witness. My wife and I were able to get a much bigger and better home in an older upscale neighbourhood due to my father passing away in 2008 and leaving me some life insurance money. We looked diligently everywhere and even lost some earnest money on a brand new home that we decided just wasnt big enough for us. We finally found a beautiful all brick home that we found through a local estate agent’s website that was quite a bit more than what we had intended to spend. Funny thing is, we decided to do a drive by and decided that it was not for us, yet we could not find anything else that even appealed to us. We ended up driving by this house several different times in a two week span and would still look at it on the estate agent’s website. We decided to contact the estate agent and do a walk through. When arriving there, a really old woman answered the door and you could tell that she was not quite herself probably because of her age. In doing the walk through, the house was quite fancy and you could tell that it had been recently remodelled sometime before even though the home was built in 1976. There was one room that smelled bad that was the old ladys and the atmosphere in that room was thick or heavy also. The estate agent noticed it and said it smelled that way because she was being cared for in that room. Right away I fell in love with it even though there were some small areas that needed repairing. Later on that night I asked my wife what her impression was and she told me that we need to keep looking and not jump into it. I think a week went by and I talked her into buying it and putting earnest money down on it. Funny thing is the same day we put money down on the house, a certain older movie with Tom Hanks called The Money Pit was playing that night and we reluctantly and jokingly watched it hoping this was not a bad omen. Unfortunately, this bad omen turned into a horrible chilling nightmare. Immediately after moving in strange odd noises would happen all throughout the night not allowing us to get much sleep. Doors would be shut if we left them open, or open if we left them shut. Lights would be on when we came home and we had them off. The TV would sometimes change channels by itself. We slept with the ceiling fan on and this fan would constantly make a tapping sound when being awake in bed. Upon waking up in the middle of the night the fan would not be tapping at all and within a few minutes it would start tapping again. It would not tap at all when not in use. After experimenting with this fan I finally realized that something was tapping the fan while it ran. When running full blast, the tapping sound would almost stop and be non-existence. Then after a few nights of running full blast, the tapping sound became more prominent and would weaken, stop and start up again constantly. Meanwhile, when we were away at work all day and came home that evening, my wifes things would be in a different place than where she left them, and sometimes would be in the oddest place. I started using the ceiling fan in the living room and it started making a tapping noise that would come and go. I came to the conclusion that whatever was tapping the fan does not like being bothered by high volumes of air causing them to fight harder to float about. They hit the fan letting us know that they hate it making us think that something is wrong with it because of the annoying tapping noise they make and that we would turn it off. Also the centre of the fan is where there is hardly any wind turning and that is where they are more comfortable. We finally realized that after watching a lot of paranormal programs from the past that our new dream home was haunted. Every night we would awake to some loud noise or tapings and pop noises in the house. Finally, one night when we were watching TV, a loud banging sound came from the kitchen that started over powering the TV sound. It was a water pipe that was being hit with something under the kitchen floor and being hit hard. I rushed into the kitchen and turned on the light and it stopped. I realized that a ghost was responsible and yelled out loud for it to do it again and it would not. I turned out the light and turned around to head back and suddenly a loud bang, bang, bang. This really shocked me because I had actually communicated so to speak, with a ghost or something. Then things started getting out of hand where we started hearing invisible full-bodied footsteps everywhere from the attic to the rest of the house. This entity would walk right out in front of us while watching TV and you could not see it at all, but could hear every footstep it took. Then in a split second it would start walking behind us. Were we scared, you bet! I would yell out loud and tell it to leave and that this is my house. This caused it to retrieve to the old womans bedroom and you could hear it walking around in there. I forgot to tell you that we have not fully moved in yet at all because of this. There is stuff in our two-car garage that needs to be in the home and we were going to buy some more furniture, and I have an expensive home theatre system that is still in boxes. This entity started walking right behind my wife all throughout the house with or without me being there. I got mad and told it to leave her alone and asked it to knock 2 times if it was a good spirit, and 1 time if it was bad. It knocked 2 times indicating good. I know that this was stupid because they can lie, but I was terrified and not thinking straight. I said that if you are good to leave us alone and leave our home. That is when all hell broke loose and this thing started tapping the windows constantly and popping all areas of the house very loudly. We both started having bad scary dreams. This thing would throw a major fit in that bedroom and make loud popping sounds and hitting the walls right after my wife left for work and I am trying to still sleep for 2 more hours before I have to get up. One morning it started hitting the wall adjacent to my bedroom and hitting it with a series of 3 knocks consecutively over and over which seemed to put me in a trance while in bed and I was being strangled by my bed sheet. This seemed so real to me even though I woke up with nothing around my neck and no marks that I was scared to come home later that night after work, but I eventually did go home after calling my wife and her coaxing me. I used the company computer to research all areas related to evil and demonic spirits and how to combat them. This entity started scratching my wife first even bringing blood, out in public meaning it would follow us. It started to follow us to the places where we work. It would be with us driving in town. It would show up or go with us on trips. I started yelling at it out loud cussing at it and calling it bad names telling it to stop. It worked for a short time and then something 4-legged with sharp claws would start pacing that bedroom and would growl out loud and make deep grunting noises. We kept that bedroom door closed. My wife goes to work early in the morning before I do and this creature came out of that bedroom and walked on the hardwood floor to my bedroom and stopped right in front of the closed door. All of a sudden my bed started vibrating violently with me lying in it. I was terrified. I started praying to God and then shifted my prayer to St. Michael the Archangel and immediately my bed stopped vibrating, and this thing started walking away from my door with one of its hind legs dragging and limping. This empowered me to jump out of bed and swung open my door and jumped out in the hallway and saw nothing. I heard a small creaking noise on the floor a few yards in front of me and I ran down to that area and I immediately stopped because I heard whimpering in front of me and saw nothing. I was dumb founded. It eventually stopped after a few seconds because the sun just started to rise through the window. I went on to work that morning scared out of my mind, and told my wife about my experience later that night. This terrified her. That night it started pacing that bedroom floor again so I went after it with some Holy Water and praying and went through the whole house and spent about an hour doing so and focusing on that bedroom the most. Nothing happened at all and everything was quiet. I sat down for 15 minutes and I started getting sicker than a dog and had to run to the bathroom. I was vomiting and had the runs for 2 whole days afterwards. The next evening before getting dark I put baby powder on the floor in that bedroom and as soon as dark fell, this thing started walking around. I had to bravely go into that room and see if there were any prints and boy I had the mother load. The front paws are V shaped with tiny dermal ridged dots outlining the whole underneath V. The back prints are sort of egg shaped with 3 sharp claw prints on each side of it. This entity has scratched my £1300 brand new wooden dining room table, our brand new king size bed with claw marks In The Metal Art Work and our car right after I just got done waxing it. Both my wife and I have woken up with bruises and scratches on our bodies. We constantly get headaches and are sicker than normal. I said enough is enough and challenged it out loud to bring it on several times and nothing ever happened other than tapping noises and loud pops. I printed out special prayers that were exorcism prayers and read them out loud one night and 3 hours later it took it out on my wife and attacked her physically making me think she was having a heart attack. I called the ambulance and followed them to the emergency room. They ran every test imaginable and 5 hours later the doctor comes back with the results and says that he cannot find anything wrong, everything looks good. She told me that an ice cold hand went into her chest and squeezed her heart. Folks, I thought I was losing my wife that night because of a possible heart attack when it happened. I told my wife to constantly pray for protection and that I would to for both of us. Dont get me wrong I am scared to death of what we are experiencing, but I have to act tough to call its bluff. I kept challenging it and calling it bad names telling it to leave my wife alone and take on a man, me and not a weak woman. It would only bruise and scratch me while I slept for revenge on me. It never physically attacked us after that. It would only still bruise us and scratch us when we slept. I contacted a psychic and they said that it is a low-level demon dog. We were terrified and we had a priest come and bless and anoint our home within a few days. This did not work. We even contacted the Catholic Church and they believed us and had a priest come and bless our home which did not work. I tried to talk them into doing an exorcism and they would not investigate it or take it further. So we started to call psychics and mediums and they all said that our home was filled with spirits and that one evil/nasty one was controlling them. They remotely tried to get rid of them all to no avail. I then found 2 separate psychics/mediums that I paid for them to fly up from London and stay a few nights both stating that they could get rid of everything being in the home. The first one was a joke and waste of money. The second one did make a difference right away. He supposedly got rid of all the spirits except the main evil one. How do I know this? There was an immediate difference in the house after he left. The noises and the sounds and the bad smells pretty much diminished. He crossed over some trapped spirits that were being held there against their will. Ever since then it has been more tolerable, but it is still there. All of the psychics/mediums did state that an elderly man is the main entity causing all of this trouble, and they think that the demon dog is the guard of the portal that is supposedly in our basement. They say that this dog has also influenced this man spirit to be evil. They said that he carries out the evil deeds from the demon dog. I did a lot of research on the previous owners and they are atheists and the old lady is one of the last Holocaust survivors who is still living. She had denounced God for what she had been put through. They also had to smuggle her out of the concentration camps with a dead girls coffin. I found all of this info from the next door neighbour who had known them for several years. The old lady is still living and is in a nursing home in Clydebank now and is out of her mind. She is in her late nineties. Her husband died at work back some 13 years ago and they say that it is him in our home and that he is mad that they sold his home and he still thinks that it is his. Her adopted atheists daughter and her husband got a divorce right after we had bought the house from them. They are in Clydebank also. We have also had so much bad luck with this house while all of this scary stuff is happening. Our sewer backs up in our basement, the central air-conditioning starts going bad and we thought we had it fixed, and 3 months later the compressor burns up. The sat system goes completely out. The brand new high-tech washer starts beeping on its own while not even running. One of my cars developed a short in the wiring and had to practically give it away. Light bulbs are burning out. We decided to sell it and list it for 6 months with a estate agent and not 1 hit. I ended up spending a total £4500 on all of the different psychics/mediums and all of the candles, and the sea salt, and different crystals, and different herbs to combat this entity and do house clearings. We have done everything possible that you are supposed to do in trying to get rid of this entity. And yes, we have both prayed relentlessly to God and to St Michael and God has somewhat answered our prayers. We have crucifixes, Bibles and religious artefacts everywhere. You see after everything we have done to fight it and still living here for 14 months now, this thing is not really evil anymore. Just somewhat annoying with occasional tapings and pop noises. The bruising and scratching has diminished pretty much. Electrical items are not going bad now. It seems to be losing the battle finally or at least I think it is losing. It is not as powerful as it was. My experience combined with what I have researched is this. Do not be angry in the home and do not argue and do not be afraid at all. I know better said than done, but believe you me we have learned to not be afraid of it anymore and that is what it feeds off of is being afraid and arguing, chaos so to speak. It feeds off of negativity so dont feed it. Also, God is the one who has empowered me to fight this thing. You see every time I pray or read the Bible out loud or even to my self, it lets me know that it does not like it by tapping the window and doing pop noises through the house loudly. Yes they can read your mind. It still does the tapings and the occasional poppings, but much weaker than before. The popping sound is when it goes through a solid wall or floor and the louder it does it the angrier it is. Also when it rains or is very humid, this entity is pretty much quiet. I think it cannot stand the water because it helps drown out the electrical current that it is made up of. It makes it lethargic or slower. The question is can we live with it being weaker and wait and see if it finally leaves or God takes it away, or do we re-list it with a estate agent and try and sell it. This entity has caused us to be financially burdened somewhat. Right now we are in the middle and take it day by day. We will probably eventually sell and get something cheaper and pocket the difference and try and start over with a fresh beginning. I do not know if I should say anything if it is still there when we sell it, because it probably would not sell then. I just wish that this was all just a very bad dream and that I would wake up and it was over. Non believers will believe only when they are subjected to Hell. Evil deeds!?! Yeah I signed those evil deeds back when I bought the house.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 17:51:14 +0000

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