...31 Days/31 Horror Movies: Day Twenty-Four: Carnival of Souls: - TopicsExpress


...31 Days/31 Horror Movies: Day Twenty-Four: Carnival of Souls: ...ya know?? Im about to lose genre devotee points for this one, and at the same time, regain them again...with interest. For a film auteur, like myself, theres always that occasional classic movie, which I have heard of, and even know a whole heck of a lot about...but...ahem, genuinely havent ever watched. And THIS subtly creepy and chillingly ironic horror classic, which Ive finally afforded myself a chance to experience, is one of them. At times, quite deliciously surreal and dream-like, but ultimately shiver-inducing...right to the bone. It is quite understandable how influential this little ditty of a scarefest is; one can see quite applicable, the ideas and imagery was carried forth on later films...the most prominently example, coming to mind, the zombie-genre-redefining classic, Night of the Living Dead...but clearly, underliningly plot-wise, predating the Final Destination franchise, as far as death coming forth to claim its due, on a fateful escapee. Definitely a marked piece of horror excellence, which I now resoundly and repeatedly kick myself in the butt, for having passed on, all these years.....
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 17:21:05 +0000

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