31) 也 yě (เหย๋) : also; too = - TopicsExpress


31) 也 yě (เหย๋) : also; too = ด้วย Note 也许 [yě xǔ] = perhaps / maybe 32) 你 nǐ (หนี่): you = คุณ เช่น 你好吗 = [หนี เห่า มะ] = (คุณ)สบายดีมั้ย 33) 对 duì (ตุ้ย): couple; pair; to be opposite; to oppose; to face; for; to; correct (answer); to answer; to reply; to direct (towards sth); right Note 对不起 [duìbuqǐ] = excuse me 对敌 [duì dí] = opponent 对换 [duì huàn] = exchange (goods, seats, etc.) 34) 生 shēng (เชิง) : to be born; to give birth; life; to grow ต่างจาก: 牛 [niú (เหนียว)] = ox; cow; bull = วัว Note 生出 [shēng chū] = to give birth 生产 [shēng chǎn] = to produce / manufacture 生存 [shēng cún] = to exist / to survive 生日 [shēng rì] = birthday 35) 能 (รูปของ เนื้อ 肉 [ròu], มีด 匕 [bǐ], กับ หยุด 已 [yǐ] (กำหนดเสียง)) néng (เหนิ๋ง) : can; may; capable; energy; able Note 可能性 [kě néng xìng] = possibility 能够 [nénggòu] = be capable of 可能 [kěnéng] = maybe 36) 而 ér (เอ๋อ) : and; as well as; but (not); yet (not); (shows causal relation); (shows change of state); (shows contrast) Note 而且 [érqiě] = furthermore 而今 [ér jīn] = now / at the present (time) 而已 [ér yǐ] = thats all / nothing more 37) 子 zǐ (จื่อ) : 11 p.m.-1 a.m.; 1st earthly branch; child; midnight; son; child; seed; egg; small thing zi (จึ): (noun suffix) Note 儿子 [érzi] = son; 女儿 [nǚér] = daughter 孩子 [háizi] =小孩儿 [xiǎo hái-er] = child; 女孩儿 [nǚ hái-er] = girl 金子 [jīnzi] = gold 38) 那 nà (น่า): that; those nèi (เหน้ย): that; those; (sometimes used before a measure word, especially in Beijing) 39) 得 dé (เต๋อ): obtain; get; gain; proper; suitable; proud; contented; allow; permit; ready; finished de (เตอ): a sentence particle used after a verb to show effect; degree or possibility děi (เต่ย): to have to; must; ought to; to need to Note 获得 [huòdé] = get, obtain 记得 [jìde] = remember 晓得 [xiǎode] = know 值得 [zhíde] = be worth 舍不得 [shěbùde ] = be loathe to leave at home 走得快 [zǒude kuài] = walk quickly 40) 于 yú in; at; to; from; by; than; out of ต่างจาก千 [qiān] = thousand กับ 干 [gān] = stem Note 于是 [yú shì] = thereupon / as a result / consequently / thus / hence 便于 [biàn yú] = easy to / convenient for 不下于 [bù xià yú] = as many as / no less than / not inferior to / as good as / on a par with 等于 [děng yú] = to equal 41) 着 (อักษรเดิม 著, รูปของหญ้า 艸 [cǎo] กับ คน 者 [zhě] (กำหนดเสียง)) zhāo (เจา): catch; receive; suffer zháo (เจ๋า): part. indicates the successful result of a verb; to touch; to come in contact with; to feel; to be affected by; to catch fire; to fall asleep; to burn zhe (เจอะ): particle attached after verb to indicate action in progress, like -ing ending zhù (จู้): to make known; to show; to prove; to write; book; outstanding zhuó (จั๋ว): to wear (clothes); to contact; to use; to apply Note 接着 [jiēzhe] = continue / went on to (do something) / to follow / to carry on / then / after that 着急 [zháojí] = anxious 着慌 [zhāo huáng] = become nervous, tense 42) 下 xià (เชี่ยะ): under; second (of two parts); next (week, etc.); lower; below; underneath; down(wards); to decline; to go down; latter ต่างจาก 上 [shàng] = above Note 下午 [xià wǔ] = afternoon (午 [wǔ] (中午 [zhōng wǔ] = noon) ต่างจาก 牛 [niú] cow) 43) 自 (รูปของ จมูก) zì (ซื่อ): from; self; oneself; since ต่างจาก 目 [mù] = eye กับ 白 [bái] = white Note 自己 [zìjǐ] = self 自然 [zìrán] = nature 44) 之 zhī (จือ): (literary equivalent of 的 [de]); (subor. part.); him; her; it 45) 年 nián (เหนี๋ยน): year Note 今年 [jīnnián] = this year 明年 [míngnián] = next year 去年 [qùnián] = last year 中年 [zhōngnián] = middle age 少年 [shàonián] = juvenile 青年 [qīngnián] = youth 年龄 [nián líng] = age; duration 46) 过 (อักษรเดิม 過) guò (กั้ว): (experienced action marker); to cross; to go over; to pass (time); to celebrate (a holiday); to live; to get along; (surname); excessively; too- Note 过马路 [guò mǎlù] = cross the street 过磅 [guò bàng] = to weigh (luggage, etc.) (also pr. ) 过过 [guò guo] = satisfy (ones desires, etc.) 过多 [guò duō] = excessive 过活 [guò huó] = live ones life / make a living 过客 [guò kè] = a traveller, passenger, in transit 过境 [guò jìng] = transit / pass through a countrys territory 47) 发 (อักษรเดิม 發) fā (ฟา) : to send out; to show (ones feeling); to issue; to develop fà (ฟ่า): hair Note 发出 [fā chū] = to send out / to issue 发达 [fā dá] = developed (country, etc.) / flourishing / to develop 发急 [fā jí] = get nervous, worried 发见 [fā jiàn] = discover, find out; discovery 发明 [fā míng] = to invent / invention 头发 [tóufa] = hair 发发 [fā fā] = (AC, of wind) fast 发票 [fā piào] = receipt or bill for purchasing sth 48) 后 hòu (โฮ่ว): empress; queen; surname hòu (โฮ่ว): back; behind; rear; afterwards; after; later Note 尔后 [ěrhòu] = thereafter 皇后 [huánghòu] = empress 后退 [hòutuì] = retreat = ถอย 后边 [hòu biān] = behind 后来 [hòu lái] = afterwards / later 后面 [hòu mian] = rear / back / behind 后果 [hòu guǒ] = consequences / aftermath 后悔 [hòu huǐ] = regret / repent 49) 作 zuò (จั้ว) : to regard as; to take (somebody) for; to do; to make Note 杰作 [jié zuò] = masterpiece 工作 [gōngzuò] = work 作业 [zuòyè]= homework 作践 [zuójian] = spoil, waste, humiliate, insult 作爱 [zuò ài] = to make love 作案 [zuò àn] = commit a crime 作法 [zuò fǎ] = course of action / method of doing something / practice / modus operandi 50) 里 lǐ (หลี่) :inside; internal; interior lǐ (หลี่): lining of clothing; within; inside lǐ (หลี่) : li, a Chinese unit of length = one-half kilometer; neighborhood; hometown Note 公里 [gōnglǐ] = kilometer 这里 [zhèlǐ] = here 哪里? [nǎli?] = where?; 那里 [nàli] = there 夜里 [yèlǐ] = at night 拉里拉杂 [lālilāzā] = rambling 里弄 [lǐ lòng] = alley 归里包堆 [guīlibāozuī] = altogether, all in all 糊里八涂 [húlibātū] = confused, muddle-headed 家里 [jiālǐ] = (at) home, (in the) family 51) 用 yòng (ย่ง): to use ต่างจาก 甩 [shuǎi] = swing Note 好用 [hǎoyòng] = useful 不用 [búyòng] = theres no need 使用 [shǐyòng] = use, apply 52) 道 dào (เต้า): direction; way; method; road; path; principle; truth; reason; skill; method; Tao (of Taoism); a measure word; to say; to speak; to talk [dǎo] (=导 dǎo): lead; 领道 / 领导 [lǐngdǎo] = leader เช่น 乾道 [qiándào] = ways of heaven, natural law = กฎธรรมชาติ 53) 行 háng (หัง): a row; profession; professional xíng (ฉิ๋ง): all right; capable; competent; OK; okay; to go; to do; to travel; temporary; to walk; to go; will do xìng (ชิ่ง): behavior; conduct Note 树行子 [shùhàngzi] = rows of trees 银行 [yínháng] = bank; 行业 [hángyè] = profession 行动 [xíngdòng] = action, operation, move, get about, act 54) 所 suǒ (สัว): actually; place Note 所以 [suǒyǐ] = so, therefore 所有 [suǒyǒu] = all 厕所 [cèsuǒ] = toilet 55) 然 rán (หรัน): correct; right; so; thus; like this; -ly Note 突然 [tūrán] = suddenly 忽然 [hūrán] = suddenly 骤然 [zhòurán] = suddenly 居然 [jūrán] = unexpectedly 竟然 [jìngrán] = unexpectedly 显然 [xiǎnrán] = obvious 仍然 [réngrán] = 仍旧 [réngjiù] = still, yet, as before 既然 [jìrán] = since, now that 依然 [yīrán] = still 反之亦然 [fǎnzhīyìrán] = and vice-versa 坦然 [tǎn rán] = calm 偶然 [ǒurán] = by chance, even number 斐然 [fěirán] = brilliant (of literature) 漠然 [mòrán] = apathetically 洒然 [xiǎnrán] = alarmed, surprised, shocked, frightened, cold 宛然 [wǎnrán] = as if 自然 [zìrán] = nature 然而 [ránér] = yet, even so 虽然 [suīrán] = although 当然 [dāngrán] = of course 自然 [zìrán] = nature 56) 家 jiā (เจีย): furniture; tool jiā (เจีย): -ist; -er; -ian; home; family; a person engaged in a certain art or profession; measure word for stores and schools Note 家庭 [jiātíng] = family 家伙 [jiāhuo] = fellow 儒家 [Rújiā] = Confucianists; ; 儒林 [Rúlín] = (Confucian) scholars 大家 [dàjiā] = everybody 国家 [guójiā] = country, state, nation 整天家 [zhěngtiānjie] = all day long; 家里 [jiālǐ] = (at) home, (in the) family 57) 种 zhǒng (จ๋ง): kind; type; race; breed; seed; species (taxonomy) zhòng (จ๋ง): to plant; to cultivate Note 种族 [zhǒngzú] = race/ethnicity 种子[zhǒng zi] = seed 种地 [zhòng dì] = do farming; work the land 58) 事 shì : matter; thing; item; work; affair Note 故事 [gùshi] = story 两码事 [liǎng mǎ shì] = two entirely differeint things/matters 丧事 [sāngshì] = funeral arrangements 叙事 [xùshì] = narrate, relate 一桩大事 [yī zhuāng dàshì] = a big event 59) 成 chéng : finish; complete; accomplish; become; turn into; win; succeed; one tenth Note 酿成 [niàngchéng] = result in, breed 成为 [chéngwéi] = 变成 [biànchéng] = become 形成 [xíngchéng] = to form, take shape 成功 [chénggōng] = succeed 完成 [wánchéng] = accomplish, complete, fulfill 成语 [chéngyǔ] = idiom 构成 [gòu chéng]= constitute 赞成 [zàn chéng] = approve of 成绩 [chéng jì] = grade, achievement 60) 方 fāng : square; quadrilateral; direction; just ต่างจาก 万 [wàn] = ten thousand Note 地方 [dìfang] = place 方面 [fāngmiàn] = aspect 方便 [fāngbiàn] = convenient 东方 [dōngfāng] = east 立方体 [lìfāngtǐ] = cube 方式 [fāngshì] = way, pattern 双方 [shuāngfāng] = both sides 方针 [fāng zhēn] = policy 天方夜谭 [tiānfāngyètán] = the story of Arabian Nights ที่มา * mandarintools/worddict.html * zhongwen * newconceptmandarin/support/Intro_Pinyin.asp * zein.se/patrick/3000char.html * chinese-tools/learn/characters/list.htm
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 04:16:36 +0000

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