311214BOUGAINVILLE WILL CELEBRATE NEW YEAR AN HOUR AHEAD OF PNG BY JENNIFER NKUI The Autonomous Region of Bougainville will be welcoming and celebrating the coming of the New Year 2015 one hour ahead of Papua New Guinea to night thanks to the new time zone. Now that the clocks on Bougainville have all been moved to one hour GMT+11, Bougainvilleans now have the privilege and opportunity to celebrate the New Year one hour earlier than Papua New Guinea. The announcement of the new time zone for Bougainville was made live on New Dawn Fm on December 28 at 2 am by the Chief executive officer for the department of Commerce and Tourism, Albert Kinani. For most people on Bougainville, especially the educated elders, they are happy and proud of the new time zone which they say clearly shows that the Bougainville government is able to implement such policies that will suit Bougainvilleans. They are happy to be able to witness such a transition when they are still alive and are therefore also happy that Bougainville will be going into the New Year one hour ahead of Papua New Guinea tonight. Ends
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 09:07:09 +0000

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