31st of August 1999 Tuesday I sense that Fotini got screwed by - TopicsExpress


31st of August 1999 Tuesday I sense that Fotini got screwed by the area Romeo on Sunday night. Last night she was waiting by the phone with growing eagerness. While her sister and cousin constantly played tricks on her. They would hide away inside the house and call her number while she waited outside sitting at the white plastic table caressing her mobile phone. Maybe the area Romeo got what he wanted and moved on. It would not have been a difficult score. During that Sunday night she had told me about being sick all day. But I spoke to her sister who was also at the club. She confirmed what was truly going on. Fotini was really nervous. She was nervous about going out on that first date with that guy. They had planned it so well. Her younger sister would stay behind with a cousin to act as cover. This would offer them a clear alibi. While she and the area Romeo would slip out so he could slip it in. Before any of that could happen I sat next to her while she tried to feed me a tall story about being sick. Dressed beautifully and wearing her make up. Obviously, she had spent some time getting ready. So I abruptly advised her to better hurry up and finish the job because she was returning to Athens on Tuesday. That immediately struck a cord! Fotini turned and looked at me while I kept on talking telling her a little sarcastically, not to worry. I soon realized that the guy would be coming at eleven o’clock this evening. Not too early to show any hint of eagerness and not to late to be pressed for time. She tried to assure me that he would not come at eleven and that I was totally wrong. I just laughed in her face. So we made a bet. I won of course. After he arrived, I left and returned to the bar. I was at my cousin’s famous bar in Exaplatanos. I tried to help out cleaning the glasses and while I was not doing that would fetch the dirty glasses from the outside area. Not ten minutes had passed when she followed into the bar to speak with me. Her eyes searched my face for a moment or two. Fotini did not say a word. She just stared long and hard until she had finally come to her decision. She decided to trust me with the truth because this situation was desperately dangerous for her reputation and potential marriage prospects. Village gossip was deadly. At first, she would not say what she wanted but I knew at once! Fotini did not give a shit about what I thought concerning this most common agreement. What she was most disturbed about, what was playing on her mind was whether I would tell her parents or relatives. Perhaps, at this age, they love playing these messy games with their parents. They do get a buzz out of it. A thrill! Later on, I guess there is nothing stopping them from playing similar games with their spouses. She wanted to tie up the last loose end before finding a quiet spot outside the bar. We did not really speak too much. I told her quite strongly not to pull me into this situation. I did not want to get involved. She was the master of her own actions. ‘No, I wont get you involved, she replied, but as an Uncle I value your opinions.’ This touched me deeply. Her words softened my heart. I fell off my high moral horse almost immediately. Taken aback. I was suddenly gripped by a solid embrace full of love and understanding. That is when I decided to help her at least feel better. So I said the guy she was going out with was a nice person. She clutched onto this one little bit of positive approval. Infinitesimal but still it boosted her spirit. It offered her a ‘little piece of mind.’ Poor thing. She asked how I knew? ‘Jimmy told me,’ I replied. That was it basically. The very next day I got the cold shoulder a little bit. But I did not care. Everybody can go to hell as far as I am concerned. I am sick to death of constantly playing second fiddle. Anyway, Fotini left for Athens at twelve thirty this afternoon. She is so young. I could see straight through her as if her body was made of window glass. She could not keep anything from me. I am not having a good time. Ever since arriving from Athens nothing has gone right. I carry a lot of body weight and I make my way as best as I can. But what else can I do? My first night in the village we went out to celebrate. I had a few extra drinks. Upon my return to Aunt Zozo’s house I found everybody sitting outside in the backyard. It was a hot and humid night. My father made a scene as if I were twelve years old. It was really degrading. Everybody was surprised. Fotini was also there. She sat there staring at me out of the darkness from the other side of the table.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 22:16:44 +0000

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