#32 The huge guy stepped out the car and came towards us, - TopicsExpress


#32 The huge guy stepped out the car and came towards us, something just didn’t sit right with me with this guy and I don’t even know him, Phakade seemed rather extremely happy P-Kay: Mihle this is my boyfriend Jay, Jay this is my friend uMihle He greeted me with this huge smile on his face, I really wished I could do the same but the only words that could come out of my mouth were ‘nice to meet you’ I think Jay could sense the vibe between me and him so he chose to excuse himself and went to sit in the car, I couldn’t believe how naïve this girl was, yini kuphele amadoda la ngaphandle noma nje ukuthanda imali Me: and then wena, you are back again with this guy I was warning you about the other day, the same guy you told me once slapped you and that uses you as a drug escort, is this really the way you want to start and end your matric year? Phakade: friend, I love this man deeply, he apologised about what happened the other day and we are ok now Isn’t it funny how us woman are so quick to forgive whenever a man lays a hand on us, especially if ene mali, he was able to do it once what the hell do you think will stop him from doing it again, I could clearly see that my friend was in it for the money Me: let me ask you something, or rather let me give you something to think about, lets strip this guy, lets just imagine him without the car, the fancy clothes, the nice phone, the expensive house, the stacks of money and lets just make him an ordinary guy that runs a small spaza shop near Durban station, would you be dating him kwumanje? She kept quiet and looked down, I didn’t wanna burst her bubble so I decided not to continue talking, we spoke about other things P-kay: ha friend you have a car now and I see you drive around Me: Lol, I got my learners izolo uJoel asked me to accompany him to this other place to deliver something so we rode in separate cars, lol, the car is his by the way P-Kay: congrats friend, im so happy for you, eish I need to get mine also so that come exams I come to school in a Bentley Lol, hhe ay from AMG to Bentley to Rolce Royce nana, she was doing it big, the guns that she was rolling with were the ish shame, im sure this man even had an entourage P-kay: I need to love and leave you now babe, we going to Pietermaritzburg for an all-white party Me: okay friend, please promise me you will take care of yourself I hugged her tight, as much as I was so pissed off at the stupid decisions she makes she was still my friend and I cared a lot about her that’s why I didn’t condone her being with that guy, she got into the car and they drove off . I went into the house ad found Joel watching SuperSport 3, me and him were both bored Me: Mokoena lets go out Joel: to where baby? Me: anywhere, we need a breath of fresh air yaz, you decide where we can go Joel: let’s first go to that 21st gig and see whats going down then we will work from there Me: ok cool I went to wash my face and then went to the room to try figure out what to wear, I kept thinking about the words that Joel said, I really liked this guy he cared about my feelings and my well-being, as I was busy there he walked in Joel: what are you gonna wear? Me: something nice Joel: lol, show me I decided to wear my black tube dress the reached just below the knee and my denim jacket and just a simple cross necklace and my maroon all-stars Joel: ok since you gonna wear black I’ll also wear black Me: lol, uzenza mina ke manje Joel: I love you babe Me: Joel, those are very big words and you keep saying them Joel: and I don’t just say them unless I mean it I sat down next to him and took a deep breath Me: Joel I deeply believe what you and I have is real, so ya I’ll give it a chance His eyes just became glassy with tears filling his eyes, eh I know it takes a lot to see a man cry, he just knelt in front of me and put his head on my thighs Me: baby are you ok? Joel: more than ok, you just made me the happiest man on earth He stood up and he pulled me up and he kissed me, I stopped and looked at him and wiped away the tears on his cheeks Me: it’s ok babe, go get dressed sizohamba He walked out and I got dressed, I looked great J this dress hugged my curves good, I put on a bit if make-up and combed my hair I wanted it to be straight so I plugged in the hair dryer and blow dried it straight, it looked so nice, my hair is so long, Joel was done and he came into my room, he looked divine in his black jeans and black t-shirt and a navy bicker jacket and maroon leather all-stars. Lol, we looked so good Joel: umuhle Mrs Mokoena Me: lol, umuhle nawe baby with our matching outfits I was done and put on some perfume, grabbed my phone then saphuma, we were holding hands and we got to the car he opened the door for me and I got in, he got in on his side and we drove off. In the car we were listening to my favorite songs of all time, Unathi-make me high, I couldnt help myself, lol, in a way the words were appropriate since I was singing to him and he just blushed, lol, I guess it was my golden voice ;) Mi_Love
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 18:26:43 +0000

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