#328 The story which im going to tell you, happened to me about - TopicsExpress


#328 The story which im going to tell you, happened to me about 3 years ago. As usual our friends was thinking for something special and adventurous and one of the stupid friend came to a conclusion that we should try playing ojo board. One of my friend googled it and they made the board out of a cardboard sheet and drew all kinds of wierd stuffs in it. They insisted that these symbols would make the communication go easier. Every bit of information was from the web and atlast they lit the candles and we sat in circles. One of my friends started first, he chanted GOOD SPIRIT PLEASE COME. But it was dead silence and nothing moved. We held our hands together and started to chant the spell again and again, but my friend said he felt some nerve impulse and that was all, and thats wots making the small movements in the coin. Atlast they shifted from person to person. Some started to move it purposefully and tried to scare us, but we knew it was indeed a prank. Atlast it was my turn. I touched the coin and closed. I thought for a moment and chanted BAD SPIRIT PLEASE COME and I started laughing looking at the horror of my friends face. Suddenly there was a LOUD BANG. We went to check it out but friends conviced me that it was just a coconut fell or something. We sat again in circles, friends held their hands except mine and they said lets say BAD SPIRIT chanting again. And we started. We said it for about twenty times and with my eyes closed I cud see red lights appearing. Later on nobody made a sound and every one was in shock. My hands started to move in a circular motion, and it created a perfect circle. I felt as if I was drawing a circle in a chalk board or something, and I felt all my nerves getting some kind of an electrical impulse and my body was numb it wasnt responding at all. Then my finger stopped and I was filled in fear but I couldnt move. Then my finger started to move the coin to the big letters called WELCOME. Everyone was scared to move, by then my eyes were open, purely white and I kept blinking it. Later on It turned black but purely black as if I was using a dark black contact lens. Friends thought it would be okay to keep going. My body posture was straight now and I was looking at the board. My friends could see my black eyes needing for something. They asked who I was. My fingers moved very rapidly and showed HEL. Later on my friends kept questioning wot I was. The white eyes started to reveal themselves again and coin was moved to a D. Then it moved to M. And atlast to N. Nobody got the meaning but they kept asking several questions and I kept on answering. But who I really was never really answered. D M N. One of the friends asked, are u telling me that youre a demon ? Coin didnt move this time, I twisted my head looking at him and my eyes turned dark pitch black, and I never took my eyes off him. Terribly scared he asked me wot I needed. I took my hand and placed them right above the candle and Deep inside I knew wot I was doing but I couldnt resist it. Friends jumped upon me but I didnt resist. They forced my hands not to move and one of my friends chanted BAD SPIRIT PLEASE GO. But I was too angry. I forcefully pushed them away and went to a corner and started licking all the dirt and dust. I screamed so loud and I looked at them fiercely. Fearfully some friends ran out and some stayed. All hostel was alerted and many came to see wot was going on. I was now tearing down the board into pieces and I was biting the coin. All my friends ran towards me and pounded on me, and started chanting bible verses and I kept on laughing. I bit one friends ears and I was covered in blood. They pushed a pillow towards my face and to protect them. Suddenly all the motion stopped and I was down. Pulse was weak and I was bleeding through my nose. They took me to a hospital and I was admitted there for two days. I still dont understand wot happened during those days, as if I was left in a comma. Later on when I got healed my parents came to visit me as soon as they knew about this. They shouted at me the worst ways they could and they went to see the doc for further details. When they returned Mom was crying and she fell on my feet and asked why did I do this. I constantly kept asking what went wrong. But she refused to answer. I was in a state of shock after that incident. I never returned to college and I was inside my room for days. I lasted about a day without food or water. I had tons of medications and I didnt touch them. Parents thought I had them on time. Later one night I bled again. My nose was filled witu dark red blood. I shouted for Mom n Dad and they took me to the nearest hospital. There they told me that I was having a third stage juvenile myoclonic epilepsy. If It was untreated I could face some serious problems in my life. Later on while searching for information, I came to know that if the coin rotated in concentric circles, it means the spirit is creating a portal to possess you. I didnt know all this because I was thrilled to have some fun. All my life was sacrificed just for an adventure. I was a normal guy with normal problems. One single night, turned away my life upside down, now im not supposed to drive vehicles, I cant make a baby after marraige or marry a girl of my dreams, after going through all those treatments and without medications I cant last a day. Nights seems to be so fearful so I sleep around 8 o clock so that I dont have to see world getting darker. The supernaturals exists, and im a living victim. I believe that I was touched and cursed by the demon. Everyday I go to church to make myself feel better. But none of it helps. None.. :-(
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 12:33:33 +0000

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