33. ***Ambassador Diamond, Shauntel Lyons story*** When I first - TopicsExpress


33. ***Ambassador Diamond, Shauntel Lyons story*** When I first found this opportunity I was a legal assistant at a law firm and I was also a full-time grad school student. You see, a year prior to me joining It Works! Global I had a profound moment. For whatever reason this moment changed the entire course of my life. I vividly remember sitting at my desk and thinking to myself, There HAS to be more to life than this. I dont know what I thought that more would be...but I knew it had to be something. My kiddos were growing up so fast and I had already missed so much. I remember being on maternity leave with my daughter and crying daily as I looked for a job I could work from home. No luck. Yes, a lot of moms work FT and dont mind it but I wasnt one of them. I didnt want to be away from them all day, 5 days a week. I didnt want to live for the weekend and dread those Sunday night blues. I wanted more than that. My solution to that was going back to school and become a teacher. I drove myself to my alma mater and enrolled in their masters program and got accepted into it. My husband, thankfully, was supportive but our world changed dramatically. We were determined to pay for my masters with cash (We are Dave Ramsey fans) so we cut back big time on expenses and I had to keep working FT. It was hard. Oh, it was miserable. I was so stressed and I was now missing even MORE time with my sweet kiddos. My husband had to pull double duty and take over all of the things I had done prior to beginning grad school. He never complained but I know it was so hard on him. I was a prisoner of my bedroom and was in there constantly doing school work and typing papers. A year into grad school I was introduced to It Works! Global. The thing that brings tears to my eyes is I KNEW I didnt have time to add anything else to my plate. I almost didnt do it. I was very close to not becoming a distributor. I was so tired, and stressed, and overwhelmed with all I was already doing. But sometimes...God just whispers to you in a subtle way to do things. And he was telling me to do this. I have never in my life felt so pushed to do something. I didnt sleep for four nights straight. Many things scared me. 1. I didnt have any extra time. 2. What would people think? 3. HOW am I going to do this? I had no idea what network marketing was. Yes, I have sold things before but this was not the same. This was different. But I did it. I became a distributor on April 29, 2012 and that was the day my family’s life was changed forever. Things began to happen FAST. I quickly saw the potential with this and couldnt resist at least attempting to do something. If I made an extra $500 a month, great. If not, no biggie. I had no idea what I was doing but I studied and learned and kept up the best I could. I didnt sleep much in those early days but I loved it. Working FT, going to grad school, building a business and being a wife and mother was hard. But I did it. I pushed through and ended up learning so many things along the way. I have learned that I am capable of more things than I ever imagined. I have learned that I am proud of the woman I am and I have to stay true to myself and who I am. I have learned that a lot of people coming together for the same cause can make MAGIC happen. I am an Ambassador Diamond, the highest rank there is with It Works! Global, and I’m officially at the top now. I did this in 15 months. I was also recently names a top 20 income earner with the company. My husband and I have earned 170k in cash bonuses. We will be 100% debt free very soon. And we’re barely in our early 30’s. Isn’t that AMAZING? I feel so blessed and grateful for all that this business has done for me and my family. The same thought keeps popping up in my mind. How did this happen? And how did it happen to ME??? Ive always been a dreamer. Ive always craved so much more out of life than I had. I have always gone after things even if they seemed impossible. But this entire journey has been bigger than anything I could have ever imagined. It wasnt what I had set out to do. You see, I was just a girl who was living a very normal life. I didnt take risks. I followed the norm. I followed the rules. I always played it safe. THANKFULLY, I took a leap of faith and it has changed my families life forever. I wanted to share my story with you because I want you to know that you are in complete control of your life. Regardless of if you are unhappy with your career, relationship, finances or just LIFE in general you have the ability to change that. Dont settle for less than living a life you LOVE. Life is too short. I have worked very hard but I was able to choose to work hard. I didnt have anyone telling me what to do or when to do it. I have built my business from the comfort of my own home and I was able to do it whenever I chose to. That is why I did this. That freedom of TIME is priceless to me. I cant imagine not having it. I love being a work from home mom. No more 9-5 job or having to fight with traffic to get to and from work everyday. I have finally found my dream job and we are now able to pay for everything in CASH! We would LOVE to welcome you to our team and show you how to do the same. If you are serious about making a change in your life, this could be it! Whether you have only minutes free each week or hours, we can show you how to quickly make enough to pay a car payment, mortgage payment, or even retire yourself! Who is interested? Contact whoever invited you to this party for more information TODAY! Do not wait! Distributors, please feel free to share your story here too!!!
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 02:02:18 +0000

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