+ 34 615 970 082 I have two room for rent in a flat in Jaén. The - TopicsExpress


+ 34 615 970 082 I have two room for rent in a flat in Jaén. The flat is new and big, with lots of natural light, located in a very quiet and peaceful area, in the city centre. It’s fully furnished; it has 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a big living room, a fully equipped kitchen, laundry room, central hot water and heating and Internet. Message me if you are interested! The apartment is in a very good area of Jaén, in the Centre of the city, close to schools, supermarkets, monuments. The light and water are extra, they are paid separately. The apartment has internet The apartment is in a very good area of Jaén, in the Centre of the city, close to schools, supermarkets, monuments. The light and water are extra, they are paid separately Water is paid quarterly, every 3 months. The light is paid every two months. The flat has central heating, very good, switch on the morning very early and don´t turn it off until the night. Light and water are paid separately and that depends on the consumer to make tenants who are on the flat The expenses of light and of water and of Internet, everything, it divides between four persons and it does that the money that each one has to pay is little. The bail , is a deposit of money that you give to the owner of the floor when your rent a room, the bail is give money in advance to the owner of the floor, which will be returned at the end of the contract, always and when water and light bills have been paid and there are don´t break nothing of the flat. address.- flat; https://maps.google.es/maps?f=q&source=embed&hl=es&geocode&q=paseo+de+la+estación%2C+14+de+jaen&aq&sll=37.333351%2C-4.576501&sspn=3.930535%2C7.064209&ie=UTF8&hq&hnear=Paseo+de+la+Estación%2C+14%2C+23007+Jaén&t=f&layer=c&cbll=37.770484%2C-3.7883&panoid=MyFqNSdknySL1EfO6tqhFQ&cbp=13%2C125.23%2C%2C0%2C2.5&ll=37.770484%2C-3.7883&spn=0.000068%2C0.048323&z=14 more information + 34 615 970 082
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 07:59:31 +0000

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