34-Hour Restart Rule SUSPENDED! In a major blow to the Federal - TopicsExpress


34-Hour Restart Rule SUSPENDED! In a major blow to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s safety regulation agenda, both houses of Congress have passed a spending bill that includes a provision to suspend the 2013 version of the 34-hour restart rule. The rules will now automatically revert to the original 34-hour restart rule that was in place between 2003 and 2013. We have the answers to your questions after the jump. 1) What Did Congress Do? Congress suspended the rules by adding the following language to the 2015 Omnibus Appropriations Bill (the 2015 spending list): “Section 133 temporarily suspends enforcement of the hours-of-service regulation related to the restart provisions that went into effect on July 1, 2013 and directs the Secretary to conduct a study of the operational, safety, health and fatigue aspects of the restart provisions in effect before and after July 1, 2013. The Inspector General is directed to review the study plan and report to the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations whether it meets the requirements under this provision.” 2) What Does That Mean? Essentially, that the version of the 34-hour restart rule has been suspended. That version of the rule required that the restart period contain two periods between 1 a.m. and 5 a.m. Instead, drivers should revert to taking any 34-hour period for a restart. A driver can now also utilize a restart more than one time per week if necessary. The 2014 rules only allowed on restart every 34-hours. 3) When Does This Go Into Effect? As soon as President Obama signs the law into effect. There is little to no chance of a veto as the bill contained a number of items viewed as political ‘wins’ for the President. It would be highly shocking for him to reject this bill. 4) Suspended? You didn’t think it would be simple did you? The rules have been suspended and the DOT has been ordered to complete a study comparing the effectiveness of the two different versions of the rules. The bill is an annual spending bill, it runs out on September 30, 2015. If we reach that date with no resolution another suspension will need to be legislated to prevent the 2014 rules from going back into place. 5) What About the 30 Minute Rule? That’s still in place, as are daily driving and On-duty limits. This bill only targeted the 34-hour restart rule. Continue to follow those regulations. 6) What If I Get Pulled Over? One of the problems with rules changing in this manner is that Congress does not give law enforcement agencies the opportunity to train. (FMCSA usually gives them several months). You may experience issues during roadside stops. We advise remaining calm and appealing the ticket to the body monitoring Commercial Vehicle Safety in the applicable state.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 20:10:01 +0000

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