34 YEAR TRANSITION FROM RHODESIA TO ZIMBABWE,....PROGRESSION OR REGRESSION? A nations Standard of living and quality of life are often refer to economic and social well-being of countries and their residents. Some key indicators include level of wealth, comfort, material goods and necessities available hence a broad based evaluation of standard of living commonly includes the following factors: income, quality and availability of employment, class disparity, poverty rate quality and affordability of housing, gross domestic product (GDP) inflation rate, affordable access to quality health care,quality and availability of education, life expectancy, prevalence of of disease, cost of goods and services, infrastructure, national economic growth, economic and political stability,political and religious freedom, environmental quality, climate safety etc. The Majority of Zimbabweans argue that life under the oppressive white Rhodesian Ian Smith government was not as torrid as it is under the oppressive ZANU PF Mugabe despot regime which monopolises wealth and power under the guise of Nationalisation, Indigenisation and Black Empowerment which have all turned out to be nothing more than Legalised Crime and Corruption by a select crew of ZIM cronies, family, ZANU PF stalwarts and securocrats who continuously loot national wealth and resources with impunity. The low standard of living and quality of life that we are now living was not even that poor half a century ago. ZANU PF has managed to create and fuel an entropy which is simply a smoke screen for all their crime and corruption. It will be folly to ever imagine that ZANU PF will at any time genuinely seek to address the national crisis and reverse their corruption or ill gained wealth so that we all live comfortably. We preach equality but in Zimbabwes Animal Farm , we are all equal but some animals are more equal! Those who thrive on apologist, brown nosing, praise singing are the scourge of the motherland. It is not rocket science when comparing past and present images of Zimbabwe, to see that we ZANU PF continuously feed propaganda to their brainwashed followers and have managed to convince them that they are living in paradise yet this is actually a Living Hell on Earth. You do the maths! How long before we wake up and wrestle back the motherland from the hands of ZANU PF Black oppressors of Blacks? All our fragmented defiance to oppressive authority whilst divided by tribal and racial hatred, political intolerance and fast growing economic dispairity , will always be a futile exercise as long as, we the people of Zimbabwe fail to embrace the fact that MDC, MDC T, Mavambo, ZAPU, and even disgruntled Zanu PF, blacks, whites, coloureds, Shona, Ndebele all suffer the same. Until we stand united against a common enemy to unity, peace, justice and prosperity for all, ie the common enemy to all this then ZANU PF is here to stay, literally until donkeys grow horns as the late Vice President Simon, Vengesayi Muzenda once said more than 20 years ago. There are many Zimbabweans some more than 50 years old and some Born Free or after independance, basically 34 years of age or less in Zimbabwe or worldwide in the diaspora, who actually never did see the beauty that was there before because by the time they managed to travel to such places as Harare depicted above, the place had been trashed overnight and reduced to the filth that is shown again in accompanying photos. Browse the 24 photos below and honestly say whether the 34 year transition from Independance 18 April 1980 to this date can be chalked off in our history as PROGRESSION or REGRESSION?.....
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 09:23:30 +0000

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