35 Amazing Uses for Aluminum Foil!! 1. If your vinyl flooring is - TopicsExpress


35 Amazing Uses for Aluminum Foil!! 1. If your vinyl flooring is coming up, put a back where it belongs. Lay a sheet of foil on top (shiny side down), then run a hot iron over it several times until you feel the glue on the bottom of the tile remelting. Place something 35 uses 2. If you have an electric toy whose batteries are loose due to a missing spring, don’t throw it away or pay to get it fixed. Simply ball up a small amount of aluminum foil and put it in the spring’s place. The aluminum will conduct electricity in lieu of the spring. 3. Before you begin that big painting project, cover doorknobs, drawer pulls, and any other small object you’re worried about catching spills with aluminum foil. The foil easily molds to any shape and comes off when your done. 4. Covering your ironing board with foil before you iron your clothes will get them wrinkle-free twice as fast, saving you time and energy. 5. To keep your silver from becoming tarnished, store it on top of a piece of foil. You can also wrap clean silverware in plastic wrap then foil, for a tarnish -free long-term storage. 6. You can polish silver with aluminum foil, but not they way you think. Line a pan with foil, add a tablespoon of salt and fill with cold water. Then add silverware to the mix and let it sit for a few minutes before removing and rinsing. The foil acts as a catalyst for ion exchange, a process that will make the tarnish transfer from the silver to the salt bath. 7. To get your grill even hotter (making sure the grill marks on your steak), cover it with a large sheet of foil for 10 minutes before cooking. This will keep the heat from escaping. 8. Keep your pie crust from getting too brown by covering the edges of your pie in strips of foil. 9. Handles on pots and pans can very hot. If you have hollow handles, you can place some aluminum foil inside to keep them cool. The foil blocks the heat from traveling up from the burning. 10. Cooking a messy dinner in the oven? Cover the rack below the one you are using with foil. It will make it easy to wipe up any drips, and its safer than lining the bottom of the oven. 11. Place a sheet of foil between your electronics (like DVD player and cable box) that are stacked on top of each other. It will eliminate the wavy lines caused by interference. 12. If your brown sugar is one giant lump, place it in a ball of foil and bake in a 350 degree oven for 5 minutes. It will be back to normal. 13. If your household plants aren’t getting enough sun, maximize the amount of light they are getting by placing them on top of a table covered in foil (shiny side up). The foil will reflect the light and your plants will thank you! 14. If your household scissors are getting dull, sharpen them back up by cutting through several layers of aluminum foil at one time. 15. Protect your drinks from bees and other buys when you are outside. Cover the top of the can with foil and poke a straw through. Sip in peace. 16. When you started preparing the recipe, you didn’t realize the contents would double in size. If you run out of space in your bowl and you are in a pinch, simply line your entire kitchen sink with foil and throw your ingredients in there. Then serve in a smaller container. 17. When your done grilling, place a large piece of foil over the entire top of the grill, then put the top back on and let sit for 10-15 minutes. The caked -on mess from the burgers and hot dogs will turn to ash. 18. Going on a camping trip? Place a long sheet of foil underneath your sleeping bag to keep moisture from sinking into the fabric. 19. Very acidic or salty foods can eat through foil. Don’t store leftovers with lots of tomato sauce, lemons, or pickles in foil as it can affect the taste of the food. It even poses a health risk. 20. Have you ever bitten into a shred of foil that was stuck to a piece of candy, you know its not pleasant. Rodents hate the feeling of foil between their teeth too. By placing strips of foil in your garden mulch it will help deter rodents and some bugs. If rodents are eating the bark of your tree, you can also wrap the trunk with foil. 21. If you don’t have a funnel, simply fold a sheet of foil in half width-wise and roll into a funnel shape. You can make a funnel of any size and to fit any hole. 22. Cleaning out a fireplace is easy when you line the bottom with foil. Just wait for the ashes to cool, fold up the foil and lay a fresh layer out. 23. Can’t find a platter for your deviled eggs, brownies or other picnic items, simply cover a corrugated piece of cardboard with foil (dull side up) and throw it away when your done. 24. If you need to accident -proof your child’s mattress and you don’t have a waterproof cover, just lay overlapping sheets of foil on top of your mattress, then cover with a couple of old towels and the rest of your sheets. 25. Keep paint in half – used cans from developing a film on top. Before you close the can for storage, place the lid of the can on top of foil and trace around it. Cut the circle out, then drip it gently into the can so it covers the paint. When you reopen the container later, just take out the foil and you won’t have any dried bits to worry about. 26. Wrap rocks in foil and place them in your campfire. When its time for bed, place them at the bottom of your sleeping bag and they’ll be comfy warm. 27. You have a pot that is in need of a good scrubbing, but you’re out of steel wool. Simply grab the foil. Roll it into a ball and use it (with dish soap) to scrub off caked – on grease. 28. You are hosting a BBQ and its turned into evening. Your outdoor accent lights aren’t bright enough but you don’t want to turn on the glaring light by your door. Fold pieces of foil in half – shiny side out and wrap like a bowl around the bottom of the light. Attach with a few pieces of electrical tape. The foil will reflect the light in a nice shimmering pattern. 29. Wrap a very large piece of corrugated cardboard with foil -shiny side out, and place it behind your free standing radiator. The foil will reflect the heat. 30. If you’re caught without a lure and having a fishing trip ahead, use foil instead. Cover your hook with foil then rip it way in small sections so that it will dance in the water. Fish will be attracted to the movement and reflected light. 31. Make paint mixing easy by using a piece of cardboard in foil as your “artist’s palette”. Kids will especially love it if you cut the cardboard into the shape of a palette first. 32. If you have starch build up on your iron and it is staring to get sticky, run it over a piece of foil to clean it. 33. If your steel gutter is leaking, foil can help. First patch the hole with roofing cement, then cover the cement with foil and another layer of cement. For an ever heavier-duty fix, add an additional cement / foil layer. This combination will plug the hold better then cement alone. *************** FOIL FACTS************************ 34. Have you ever wondered why foil has one shiny side and one dull side. The shininess is produced during the foils final press at the factory. However, foil is so thin that it is virtually impossible to create a press that can press something that tin. The sides of the foil that are on the inside (touching each other) end up dull 35. Why is aluminum foil called “tin foil”? Tin foil was widely used before aluminum foil hit the market in 1910. It wasn’t as pliable as aluminum, however, and it gave foods a tinny taste. That is way aluminum foil so quickly overcame it as the market standard. *********SHARE******SO IT WILL APPEAR ON YOUR TIMELINE***** Feel free to send me a FRIEND REQUEST or FOLLOW ME. I am always posting awesome stuff!** Join our FREE Weight Loss Support Group on Facebook. 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Posted on: Sat, 10 Aug 2013 03:09:39 +0000

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