#35 Lesiba Mokoena, Lerato Masepa, Reneilwe Thipa and Abigail - TopicsExpress


#35 Lesiba Mokoena, Lerato Masepa, Reneilwe Thipa and Abigail Skiti ... Please come to the principals office immediately! Mr. Williams voice boomed boldly through the intercom. I wasnt surprised to hear the B Gang and myself being summoned to the office. It was Thursday afternoon. An hour or so before the end of the day. And after the B Gangs brutal attack on Tuesday and me missing school on Wednesday, Mpho had finally encouraged me to stand up for myself and rat on the B Gang because it had gone on long enough. He held my hand the whole time during my confession with Mrs Mahatma. It was hard for me to let the truth out when I recalled how they beat me up in the girls bathroom on Tuesday. I had to lie to Gorilla again and I told him that I got injured during touch rugby so I could miss school the following day. I didnt understand why I was being assaulted because people were talking about Lunga and how him and I belong together. How was that my fault? Mpho was so angry he even told Lunga to tame his beast. Anyway, we all got up as we heard our names being called and made our way to the office. The B Gang were throwing insults my way on our way to the office. Ms Reel directed us into Mr Williams office and we sat on the couch opposite his desk. He had a stern look on his face. This man intimidated me. Mr W: I trust you all know why I called you in here. He looked straight into my eye and I looked down. Mr W: Mrs Mahatma informed me that Abigail was feeling threatened by you three. Lesiba: I dont know what shes talking about. Mr W: really Miss Mokoena? Are you suggesting that shes lying? Lesiba: yes sir. We would never threaten her. Mr W: Abigail, is this true? Me: no sir. Nelly: liar! Mr W: I was not talking to you Miss Thipa. Now, considering that there are eye witnesses and video footage of all three of you assaulting Miss Skiti here, and the fact that youre blatantly lying to my face. Im afraid I have to suspend you with immediate effect until the disciplinary hearing. Bullying will not be tolerated in this school. Dishonesty isnt appreciated either! I dont want any further objections or excuses. Miss Skiti, you can excuse yourself while we wait for their parents. Thank you for standing up for yourself. It takes a lot of guts. Me: thank you sir. I stood up and went back to class. I breathed a sigh of relief. One could cut the tension in that office with a knife. I was so going to pay for this when they came back to school. But I wasnt scared anymore. I walked into class and looked straight at Mpho. He smiled at me and I smiled back. I was really relieved to have him in my corner. I went to my seat and told him and Nathi everything that happened. They high fived each other and me when I was done. I was in a better mood now. The bell finally rang and school was out. Nathi & I were staying behind after school to watch U/16 rugby tryouts. Both Leo & Mpho were trying out. And so was Lunga. Mpho and I were walking towards the field hand in hand, and I was trying not to make him feel nervous. I knew hed do great. He was the star of the U/15 team and I didnt doubt for a second that hed make the U/16 team. I kissed him good luck and he ran to join the rest of the guys on the field. Nathi and I were having snacks while talking about our guys. Nathi: doesnt Leo look dreamy in those shorts? Me: Mpho looks dreamier. Nathi: ai, dreamers be like :v We started laughing and making jokes. The tryouts started and Mpho was doing great. I didnt know much about rugby but my boyfriend had a great side step shame! Nathi and I were cheering hard. Mpho scored a try and did a back flip. Mxm show off :v Lunga and Mpho were on opposing teams so they would tackle each other now and then. That was a bit awkward for me but they would laugh about it now and then. Mpho had the ball this time and he was running towards the goal post. He was about to reach the try line when Lunga came out of nowhere and tackled him high on the neck. HARD. Mpho tumbled down with a thud and a shriek. I heard a pop. And I froze ...
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 18:33:40 +0000

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