#35 “…more, in her eyes we were all equal even though she - TopicsExpress


#35 “…more, in her eyes we were all equal even though she never said it but it tore her apart to see us suffer. On behalf of all my granny’s grandchildren I say go well granny and thank you for all the values you have instilled in us. We love you” she started crying hysterically, I didn’t see nor feel the sincerity of her dramatic display of grief. Muzi comforted her and she continued “I would have loved to do something special for her and I know it was painful for her to be abandon by some of her grandchildren who were well off. they always looked down on her and I hope they are happy now that she is not around anymore, I’ve got one thing to say to them kophela sofana (their possessions will cease to exist and we will be equals)” she pulled the disgust look on her face, gran must have taught her well I thought. To throw such words around at a funeral of all places, I give up on this family. She sat down and my granny’s last born uncle Mike read my gran’s obituary. When he was done he opened the casket for those who wanted to see her one last time before we left for the cemetery. I remained seated those that wanted to see her got up and had their last view of her, I felt a tap on my shoulder I turned, thuli:”lets go and see her” me:”no thanks, ask zah or bongeka to go with you” thuli:”ok” she and zah also went to see her and once everybody had, had there turn. Uncle mike closed the casket and covered it with a blanket and flowers were placed on top. Muzi:”we have come to the end of the programme, please leave the programme leaflet on your chairs when you head for the cars to the cemetery. Thank you all for coming, lunch will be served when we get back from putting our beloved grandmother in her final resting place” someone started a hymn and the family men carried gran’s casket to the undertaker vehicle. We stepped outside, mum nonku and I were waiting for our husbands to find us“hi lethu” I heard a female voice from behind say, I turned to look and I was greeted with the most priceless fake smile I have ever seen. Me:”hi thandeka and Jabu” jabu:”I haven’t seen you in years” they looked at me waiting for me to do an introduction, me:”ladies this is my mother in-law, ma my cousins, thandeka and jabu” thandeka:”tjo you’re all formal on us, its just us lethu. You don’t need to be acting all lady like making us look bad” I ignored her little rant mum nonku:”very nice to meet you” they shook hands, jabu:”we heard you got married. How many kids do you have again? I always loose count on people making their bodies a baby making factory” thandeka:”it’s a pity we never received an invite, we would have loved to be there, why didn’t you invite us again?” they looked at each other and forced out an irritating chuckle, mum nonku:”if you’ll excuse us ladies, it was very nice to meet you” mum nonku had her arm around mine and motioned me to walk forward of which I did, when we were far from them, me:”thank you ma” mum nonku:”those cousins of yours are picking a fight and doing it at a funeral is very distasteful” sandile, mpendulo, my dad, Mr Zee and Bongani my sister’s husband came towards us, sandile:”so where to from here?” me:”I was thinking of remaining behind and help with the lunch packs” mum nonku:”I was going to suggest the same thing, but you can use one car and go to the cemetery” mr zee:”does anybody know how far it is to the cemetery?” mpendulo:”less than 2 k’s” mr zee:”ok lets use our car” and they walked towards the gate sandile remained behind holding my hand, mum nonku:”I will be in the kitchen” she walked inside the main house, me:”what’s up?” sandile:”nothing I just want to check if you are ok” me:”I am” sandile:”baby you don’t have to lie to me” me:”im fine love, go you’re holding everyone up” sandile:”can I get a kiss?” me:”no, go” sandile:”a quick one MaMkhize” me:”sandile man go” most of the cars including the bus hired for the community had already left, Mr Zee:”sandile!” sandile:”baby please before my dad leaves me behind” me:”when you come back you will get one” he kissed me on the cheek quickly and he ran to his dad’s car. I went inside the house in a quest to assist wherever im needed…
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 05:41:20 +0000

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