354 days gone, 11 days left Sat. Dec. 20th, AD - TopicsExpress


354 days gone, 11 days left Sat. Dec. 20th, AD 2014 #WordFromCurtis is SIN: AN ACT & A NATURE - II John 3v3 - Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. (pls read whole chapter) INTRO: We know from yesterdays dose that every human being is a SIN to God (NOT just sinful: committing sins); humans are products of SIN because we all descended from Adam & Eve AFTER, not before, the fall. Lets continue please... STATEMENT OF DEATH God had told Adam & Eve that theyd DIE if they ate of the fruit. (Gen 2:17). This spiritual death began when they got SEPARATED FROM GOD, the source (Gen 3:23). Remember that everything they inherited from the fall was passed down to their offspring. By this, - Every human is born dead; born SEPARATED FROM GOD. Our death, in practicality, is tied to our birth. In Gods sight were already a sin before we even grow & start knowing good from bad. INTERVENTION: The need for a reconnection & resurrection culminated in the great sacrifice of the Christ on the cross (Rom 5:8). - God offered Jesus as a door back to Himself. Confession of FAITH IN CHRIST passes one from SIN (the nature) into RIGHTEOUSNESS (2 Cor. 5:17-21), no longer ADAMS descendant but a CHILD of GOD (John 1:12-13) MYSTERY OF UNSAVED: The only CERTIFIED condition for being re-connected to the SOURCE OF LIFE (GOD), is the acceptance of His free gift to us, FAITH & LIFE IN JESUS (John 14:6). - There are MANY today who arent guilty of any evil. They do good hence they arent SINFUL yet theyre a SIN cos of the Adamic ancestry. - You can ONLY LAY CLAIM to SONSHIP after BELIEVING IN JESUS not through works (Ephesians 2:8-9). A human being who hasnt yet done this REMAINS a SIN and guilty of HOLDING ON TO an ABOLISHED NATURE; its just like PARADING EXPIRED PRODUCTS and calling them GOOD against customs laws. No offense, plain SPIRITUAL TRUTH. And I pray that God through the Holy Spirit shall open your eyes to experience the power in this truth. Get saved if youre not. We continue on Monday if Jesus tarried. Shalom... #TonicForRighteousLiving °Curtis Judd Nana Ahenkan° Alleluia! Forever Inc.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 09:57:25 +0000

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