36.GARDEN CITY,INTELLIGENT CITY SECTION 1. MORNING. Awake ! for morning in the BOWL of night has flung the stone that puts the STARS to flight and lo! the HUNTER of the EAST has caught the SULTANS turret in a noose of light rubaiyat omar khayam the early morning light as it strikes the treetops an distant hills mist shrouded SHAPES seeking definition as down approaches the raucous call of waterfall shallering the silence as they break cover to take flight across the water the promise of sanctuary at PRECINCT 10 what a GLORIOUS sight to behold in the first few minutes af a day to the north the panorama of a wetland luch and verdant to the west the morning mist unveils sofly undulating hills to the east the land dips gently towards a lake on which birds bob rhythmically nearby the well ordered patterns of houses and gardens and shaded walkways another day has begun the chatter of schoolchildren as they wait for the bus the bustle of parents as they leave for work a neighbourhood of friends gradually gaining momentum for the day ahead at the new heart of the COUNTRY PUTRAJAYA SECTION 2 MIDDAY Tis all chequer board of nights and days where destiny with men for pieces play hither and hither moves mades and slays and one by one back in the closet lays rubaiyat omar khayam as the midday sun describes its arc a sense of the urgent pulse of activity emerges all around you commerce in all its myriad forms standing side by side with malaysia’s political charting SECTION 3 DUSK for in the market place one dusk of day I watched the potter chumping his wet clay and with all its oblilerated tonque it murmur it gently brother,gently,pray rubaiyat omar khayam the setting sun now washes the landscape with its golden hues and scents the air with the fragrant promise of evening feasts the wispy smoke of barbecue fires the easy laughter of friends and family the calling of home at PRECINT 10 OVER in the shaded corridors of power the companionship of peers at the seat of government the invicible pulse of technology working towards a shared vision nearby admidst the quietude of shaded gardens artfully manicured hands raise in greeting to the visitation of family and friends doors of the house flung open wide in welcome set within the familiar vista of a prisline jungle while wetlands shimmer on the periphery of my vision SECTION 4 NIGHT ah,moon of my delight who knows no wane the moon of heav’n is rising once again how oft here after rising shall she look through this same garden after me in vain rubaiyat omar khayam a kaleidoscope of shapes and shades begin to emerge nature and architecture striking a perfect chord functionality and form in complete harmony as nightfall descends on PRECINT 10 and the sounds of nature to serenade you under a canopy of stars your own night orchestra signaling the end to another day at precinct 10 in PUTRAJAYA home and hearth now beckons the refreshing serenity of marbled codness reassuring hallmarks of space amidst the classical colours of style at precinct 10 night begins to fall like a heavy curtain on a home with an intelligence of its own working instinctively unobtrusively as if magically comforting illuminating serenading the marvels of technology at your every beck and call as your weary body takes rest the sandman now takes charge and all tiredness begin to dissipate and you smile as you dream of all the promises the next day will bring.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 11:41:35 +0000

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