36【當事人適格】 1. -,”Standing to Assert - TopicsExpress


36【當事人適格】 1. -,”Standing to Assert Constitutional Jur Tertii ”,88 Harv.L.Rev.(1974) 2. Chayes,The Role of the Judge in Public Law Litigation ”,89 Harv.L.Rev.(1976) 3. Davis,Standing:Taxpayers and Others,35 U.Chi.L.Rev.(1968) 4. Jaffe,”Standing to Secure Judicial Review:Private Action ”,75 Harv.L.Rev.(1961) 5. Jaffe,Citizen as Litigant in Public Actions:The Non-Hohfeldin or Ideological Plaintiff,116 U.Pa.L.Rev.(1968) 6. Nichol,”Causation as a Standing Requirement:The Unprincipled use of Judicial Restraint ”,69 Ky L.J.(1980-1981) 7. Scott,”Standing in the Supreme Court-A Function Analysis”,86 Harv.L.Rev.(1973) 8. Selder,”Standing to Assert Constitutional Jus Tertii in the Supreme Court ”,71 Yale L.Rev.(1962) 9. Tushnet,”The New Law of Standing:A Plea for Abandonment ”,62 Cornell L.Rev.(1977)
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 21:39:49 +0000

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