361 days gone, 4 days left Sat. Dec. 27th, AD 2014 Christmas - TopicsExpress


361 days gone, 4 days left Sat. Dec. 27th, AD 2014 Christmas #WordFromCurtis is MANS DREAMS vs GODS WILL Luke 1:27,38; Matthew 1:24,25 - To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgins name was Mary. - And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word. - Then Joseph being raised from sleep did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him, and took unto him his wife: - And knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name JESUS. EXPOSITION Mary had personal dreams... - to crown her chastity with a fairytale wedding to Joseph, her prince charming - to establish a matrimonial Hellooooo with him & cook him good meals, etc - to be a mother to his children & an to Joseph Dreams that made them smile & yearned for the wedding day Joseph too had his own dreams... - marry his Cinderela - get the worth of his betrothal price by having a virgin wife to mother his first son - live in peace & happiness with his wife in Nazareth - watch & enjoy seeing his family grow But, God had other plans... - I want to visit man in flesh - Ive chosen Mary as a ladder by which Ill descend to Earth - Joseph must wait till Marys calling is fulfilled - Joseph must also be willing to protect Mary & train the Christ. Dreams dashed & replaced with new purposes. It was an event that really might have left a very bad taste in their mouths. Yet, they accepted THE MYSTERY OF SACRIFICE: If the dreams of Joseph & Mary had gone just as they had expected, theyd have been JUST ANOTHER COUPLE in Nazareth. Today, Heaven remembers them as the earthly guardians of Jesus, while history remembers them as the Father & Mother of Jesus. Theyre famous today because they SACRIFICED THEIR DREAMS to make way for GODS PURPOSE TO ROLL OUT. They willingly offered their CHOICEST FRESH BELONGINGS to the Lord for use. Learn to sacrifice your best for the interest of Jesus. Humble yourself and allow Gods purpose to cancel out your dreams; for His purposes are always better than whatsoever dreams we as humans can create. May you encounter the power in this truth. Are you willing? Feliz navidad. #TonicForRighteousLiving °Curtis Judd Nana Ahenkan° Alleluia! Forever Inc.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 13:24:44 +0000

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