365 Testimony Challenge #28 I think a lot of my recent - TopicsExpress


365 Testimony Challenge #28 I think a lot of my recent testimonies have started out with Having grown up in the church... but heres one more. Bear with me please. Having grown up in the church, I never really experienced what it feels like to be a new convert. I was blessed to be surrounded by the Truth in my everyday life. As such, I have definitely taken it for granted. All kids who grow up in the church have to come to a point where they decided for themselves if the God of their parents is going to be THEIR God, and that happens at different ages. But todays testimony is about that conversion experience. Ive struggled with different things in my life, wanting to experience the world even with all I knew about it was one of them. I felt like I didnt really have a testimony to share with people because I hadnt come out of the world. Which is total nonsense because even though I didnt come out of a Truthless or Godless lifestyle that didnt make me any less of a sinner in need of salvation and grace. Actually it made me more religious and prideful, but thats another testimony. I think it was about 2 years ago I was really wanting to know God better and deeper than ever before. I was tired with myself and the routine I had gotten myself into. I can remember praying and telling God I was so tired of the same old same old. I wanted to change. Really change. God heard that prayer and things started happening. I started to desire to know what it really felt like to be a new convert and have that passion and fire that I had heard talked about by so many in the church. I wanted that sense of I was so LOST! But now Im FOUND!!! And then I came across some links someone had sent me for CTW 2011. Call to War. 3 sessions a day, for 3 straight days, with each session being approximately 3 hours. All on the Christians calling and duty to be involved in waging spiritual warfare for Gods kingdom against the kingdom of the devil. My life has never been the same. It was like my eyes were suddenly opened and I realized that even though I had known about being a Christian I really had not known it at all! I hadnt been practicing it! I really felt like blinders came off my eyes and I was suddenly able to see so clearly. I had allowed myself to drift to spiritual sleep but here was the wake up call! Its been a long road since then and I have thrown myself into getting my hands on books and teaching and preaching. I discovered a WEALTH of resources online. So many churches stream and archive their services. People upload messages that have been taught. Great men and women of God have taken time to sit in front of cameras just for the sole purpose of teaching the awesome revelations that took them YEARS to learn, all so someone who is searching can listen and learn and apply those truths to their life NOW. I dont have 30 years to develop a ministry. The world doesnt have that kind of time. I could sit around and play patty cake church or I can believe that the Word is true and take steps to prepare and arm myself with every Truth from its pages. The battle is only going to get more intense from here. We cant sit around as spiritual babies, waiting for others to feed us and wait on us and make us comfortable. God is coming back for a triumphant church! Take steps to get healthy spiritually and physically, because its harvest time! And the devil doesnt want to let even one soul slip from his grip to find the freedom and life offered by Jesus Christ. Were entering the promised land, and that means battles. God has given us every tool we will ever need to overcome the flesh, its up to us to believe Him at His word!Get that fire of the Holy Ghost burning in your soul! And light up the world around you with the Truth!
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 12:59:27 +0000

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