3769# well.. It all started like this.! I was staying in a hostel - TopicsExpress


3769# well.. It all started like this.! I was staying in a hostel that time.. Like every other day I used to sleep late after my regular chat with friends.. But one night, my conversation with an old friend went on till 1 a.m. My room mate was out to her home, so keeping the lights on was not an issue. During the conversation I started feeling thirsty and after keeping the phone on hold, went to the watercooler that was in the main corridor. As I was about to reach there, somebody called me from behind. I turned back immediately but to my surprise there was no one. This made me a little scared. I walked few more steps and heard my name again. This time I did not turn back and started moving ahead. As I reached the water cooler, I could hear some heavy foot steps. But the rising fear inside me made me too weak to turn back. I stayed numb there till the foot steps stopped. After they did, I ran back to my room. Drenched completely in sweat I was shocked to see a water bottle on my table which was not their earlier. I picked my cell phone and decided to talk to my friend whom I have kept on hold for long. As I picked up my phone. I was surprised, she was talking as if we were still talking and the phone was not kept on hold. I did not say anything and ended the call. I never discussed about this to anyone. Weird yet real.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Jul 2013 00:30:52 +0000

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