3785# All this happened in the Ladies bathroom. Please ladies, - TopicsExpress


3785# All this happened in the Ladies bathroom. Please ladies, the flush button and the spray exist for a reason. Murder scenes, I can handle but poop is just disgusting. Arriving in the evening (about 4pm) for the GS class, I rushed to the toilet as my cars air-conditioner was cold and I had downed a glass of tea just before I left my house. Entering the toilet near Audi 1, it smelled fine and I was glad there was no stench. It meant that the toilet was relatively clean. Inside, there was only one stall that was functioning and unlocked. Standing in front of the loo, behold, the horror that was a toilet seat stained with the excretion of its last user. More than just a stain, there was a pleasingly round globule of said excretion. (Photograph attached for reference) The toilet next to the cafeteria, which is normally filthy and vomit-worthy on regular days smelled surprisingly clean and was as clean as Ive never seen before. Just as I was leaving at about 6pm, I had the urge to use the loo once more. Since I was in the library, I decided to brave the regular stench and just use it. Pushing open the preliminary door, the stench wasnt as bad as I expected it to be so, I decided to use the loo. Entering the toilet itself, there were only two stalls that were unlocked and functioning. Inside BOTH stalls was another horror. I wanted to cry. I tried the end stall which was a squatting one and lo and behold, there was another round of excretion. Since it was a squatting toilet and dry, there was a cockroach feasting on the excretion there. Braving the presence of the cockroach, I tried the second stall where the lid on the toilet was down. That should have been a warning sign but I assumed there were people like me who closed the lid whenever we flushed. However, opening the lid, I almost threw up at the pieces of excretion floating there. The image is still burned into my mind. https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t34.0-12/10846573_10152967076123793_1836927297_n.jpg?oh=3c6872718edea765a6782a506384b2a6&oe=5492610E&__gda__=1418874527_1a2d214afa936bb3bb70ad3c4b4baeba
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 16:22:50 +0000

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