3O LIFE TRANSFORMING STATEMENT OF WISDOM BY KENNY 1. Preaching without converting or making impart in the lives listeners is a merely noise making. 2. Wisdom is the application of knowledge. 3. Why do you worry when you can pray? 4. God is never late in his plan. 5. When the going is not going, move the going with the power of prayer. 6. Heaven is for those who struggle by faith to be there. 7. A life without Christ is miserable. 8. An impossible miracle is that of a man changing to a woman and woman to man. 9. Only God can determine the future. 10. A wealthy man without Christ is always living in fear. 11. Not all laughter is as a result of happiness or cheerfulness. 12. Flies cannot perch on a hot stove, so also the devil cannot come near an anointed prayerful minister of the gospel. 13. Faith and prayer does what a bulldozer cannot do. 14. Don’t worry sorrow today will turn to joy tomorrow. 15. It is far better to be called and address as a poor gentle man, than to be called and address as a notorious wealthy man. 16. For spermatozoa to turn to a complete human being is purely a miraculous handwork of God in creation. 17. Given is not how much you have but how much you love. 18. A mouth that speaks evil is an open grave. 19. God heavenly general are ever ready to champion your course. 20. When God butter your bread remember others. 21. There are three dimensions in the human race, the day a man is born, the day he marries and the day he dies. Two are joyful but one is sad. Consider this, “for there is time for everything under the earth (Ecc 3). 22. Nobody can change Gods purpose concerning you. 23. Good health and holy living is more than silver and gold. 24. Jesus is my chief security officer; I don’t care what the devil may plan against me. 25. If men were God, they would pass urgent judgment without consideration, but God is a righteous judge. 26. Hypocrite in the church is like a rainbow with many colours. 27. The only source of anointing is prayer, holiness, faith and dedication to the service of the Lord. 28. My dear be calm at the fullness of time, God will surely sanction your good plans in life (Gal 4:4). 29. The angels of God are ever busy every day, every moment taking record of what we do here on earth. 30. You are a candidate for miracles, signs and wonders.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 17:07:33 +0000

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