3RD JUNE 2013 THE EXECUTIVE GOVERNOR OF KOGI STATE C/O GOVERNMENT LIAISON OFFICE, PLOT 1224 BISHOP OLUWALE STREET, VICTORIA ISLAND, LAGOS. Dear Sir. APPEAL TO THE STATE GOVERNMENT REGARDING THE ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY IN KOGI STATE IN GENERA L AND THE PLIGHT OF IGALA FILMS MAKERS IN PARTICULAR. The above subject matter refers. We humbly and respectfully wish to draw your attention to the above mentioned; as it is a situation which affects us (Igala films makers) generally. We project rich Igala culture as well as educate the upcoming generation with our videos. Our major aim is to make Igala customs and traditions well known not only in Nigeria but in Africa as a whole. Your Excellency, if you may recall, President Goodluck Jonathan recently announced a Three Billion Naira (N3, 000,000,000) grant to Nollywood, which is the second windfall over the last two years. While the President was running for the presidency, he promised the sum of Two hundred million dollars ($200,000,000) for an intervention fund, stating that the money would be used for the support and development of the industry. During that same period, the industry also benefited from the World Bank Fund to the tune of thirty million dollars ($30, 000,000). In addition, Nollywood received sponsorship from political quarters; for instance, Governor Godswill Akpabio of Akwa Ibom State instituted a Fifty Million Naira (N50, 000,000) prize for Nollywood. These monies are now accessible to members of the Industry, yet Igala film makers are not recognized. This is largely due to the fact that we lack support from our State Government. In order for this situation to be rectified, the intervention of the State Government is necessary Sir. The Kogi State Government needs to generate a document for the performing arts sector which will highlight how the state intends to use Art to build a better society, generate revenue and even export our cultural values. A well developed policy is necessary to ensure coordination and sustainability. The occasional handouts to Igawood might do some good; it might enable Igala filmmakers to go abroad to shop for experts for the technical aspects of their work, but in the long run will do little for capacity building at home. The film industry, no matter how well funded, cannot be an island, it needs other art professionals such as costume designers, musicians, technicians, researchers, editors, historians, visual artists, graphic artists, animation technologists, set designers, and critics, among others. In order to make proper films, these people need continual training which is a time and money consuming endeavor. This is why State Government should be prepared to give grants (not merely loans) to these artists to enhance their capabilities. There is incredible artistic talent in Kogi state but necessary crutches to grow, such as exposure and rigorous training – are mostly non existent. We (Igala film makers) are trying our best to bring Igala entertainment to the notice of the world. However we have major constraints. Finance is our biggest challenge and in order to combat this, we need Government Intervention. Furthermore Igawood has a National body and branches all over the country. This is as a result of support we got from Chief Yakubu Sani Ajima (Onu Igala Lagos State) and Dr. Victor Alewo Adoje (PhD), who set up a Nine (9) man committee for the sole purpose of bringing Igala show business together in Lagos. The committee has been able to identify and separate producers from actors, both now working strongly to adopt and incorporate entities such as Association of Igala Movies’ Producers and Igala Actor Guild of Nigeria. Most of our schools dont even teach art subjects, and private schools dont always make such a priority. There is no major kiln where artistic imagination is being fired up. This is one major area an Arts Policy will look into; cultivating a taste for the Arts. It is important because no society can advance its status without it. It goes beyond maintaining a cultural troupe or running a museum staffed by obsolete civil servants who are not knowledgeable about this profession. It is a well known fact that the Igbo, Yoruba, Hausa and Efik (Calabar) tribes have their indigenous movies aired on international television/satellite and this helps them showcase their custom and tradition to the world, The Igala films makers also have this lofty ambition, but these other tribes were able to accomplish this based on the level of support they got from external sources. We would feel great appreciation for any aid you can reader to us in the achievement of our set goals. Your support can only bring positive exposure to the Igala community as it would provide a unique opportunity for us to showcase our cultures and traditions to the world, which in turn will cause us to become a tourist attraction, thereby attracting foreign participation and investment for our people. Please find attached a list of Igala film makers and members of the association with their contact numbers should you find the need to call a meeting to address this issue. Thank you very much in anticipation of a favourable response. God bless Kogi State. God bless Ane Igala. Yours faithfully For: Mohammed Obaka & Co. Mohammed Aliyu Chairman
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 17:51:16 +0000

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