3rd International Marine Protected Areas Congress - Marseille, - TopicsExpress


3rd International Marine Protected Areas Congress - Marseille, France (21st to 27th October). Next week our PhD student Adam Rees from Plymouth Universitys Marine Institute will be presenting a poster on the Lyme Bay Experimental Potting Project at the 3rd International Marine Protect Areas Congress in Marseille, France. A fantastic opportunity to provide visiting delegates an insight in to the project, which is funded by Defra through the Lyme Bay Fisheries and Conservation Reserve. The projects aim is to provide evidence that the sustainable, low level potting occurring in Lyme Bay does not have a significant impact on the environment, and to determine a level at which potting starts to become unsustainable. Adam will also be co-chairing a session titled Using local knowledge in MPA management where he will be presenting the project as an example of scientists and fishermen working together to achieve a positive outcome. The session will bring together other samples of this from all over the world which will then be discussed further. Stay tuned here for updates throughout the weeks activities in Marseille. impac3.org/en/
Posted on: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 12:57:42 +0000

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