4:26 23.07/2014 sequel The insight of outgrowing yourself in - TopicsExpress


4:26 23.07/2014 sequel The insight of outgrowing yourself in order to reach enlightenment I dedicate this to my teacher Yan – D-r Nedyalko Marinov Petrov Do you know that after this (enlightenment) I started to answer myself questions, Answers which the human kind has forgotten long ago. 1.) Why did the Egyptians build a tribute to HUFU – right square pyramid ? Yane, I have a dream. My dream is – the following year of 2015 on the day of the spring equinox (22nd of march) for us to greet the sunrise at Helios at the east side of the temple. And do you know why ? So that we could feel the place of the first astronomer and architect point of view and imagine together virtually , how to raise the temple together ? So , if we are there and by there I mean the future , first of all we have to answer this question – What are we going to build ? The creation only has to answer all the questions related to the genesis. The Astronomer asked the architect : “Why do you offer a plan to build a right square pyramid temple ? “ And here is the answer : “Can you see the east side in front of you. It is a triangle with three sides . Look at the base. It is a square with four sides . How many tips does it have ? Four at the base and one at the top – all together five . Now look at your hand and realize that it also has one thumb and four fingers – all together five.” What did they discuss ? Well , even now they state – in the building we have consign the formula of the golden triangle 3,4,5 so that you would know how to draw a right angle. Because 3 x 3 = 9 and 4 x 4 = 16 . But the sum of the first two is equal to 5 x 5 , which means that if you construct a triangle with cathetus 3 and 4 sections and hypotenuse with 5 sections , than it would have one right angle of 90 degrees ,so therefore it would be a rectangular triangle. So isn’t this the Pythagorean theorem ? Well yes, the philosopher - an astronomer Pythagoras was in India, and then in Egypt and from votary (shamans) he became aware about ritual with the tension of the the rope by 13 knots and 12 equal segments. And this ritual has passed secretly in his the lodge, when dedicated apprentice and journeyman Dan. So Pythagoras was a politician - founder of the first organization fought with the Democrats. They was called neo aristocrats and these were people, who fought for power to manage with your money. And this is his definition of a Lodge, What makes the lodge stable and perfect - a first votary (shaman) astronomer, two overseers, four journeymen and five apprentices. Practice in its construction (Lodge) described the construction of the pyramid. One peak in the Creator, two cathetus of the Overseers. But 1 + 2 is 3, as the sides of the triangle before which we stay. Four are the journeymen, as the corners of the square base of the pyramid. But 3 +4 is 7 as the candles in the candlestick of the Jews and as the days in our week. And the four peak at the base, plus one peak on the top, become 5 common, as are the apprentices in Lodge. And another thing 3 + 4 + 5 = 12, as the numbers in the numbering system of the Egyptians. So this sum prominent pyramid, shown in the next follow us (and space), that on the night of the vernal equinox they saw 12 constellations in the sky and so it divides into 12 equal parts (hours). Then in the morning, with stake T they are again measured off 6, from sunrise to noon and more 6 to sunset - total 12 again. So about this and the number of sectors in the scale of the clock has been divided into 12 equal parts. And because they are tied end to the infinity (the first for 13 sacral junction) at the zero hours and 12 hours at night is the same. 2) How the Egyptians , without a compass oriented the base of the temple in directions of the world? First votary - astronomer orders issued - to align with water and hoes locality until obtaining a flat plane. During the night he dispossessed all the builders and only then with his retinue of 12 people (one the first votary astronomer, two overseers, four journeymen and five apprentices) plus architect - equal to 13 (the sacred number of the Egyptians)the stars, he defined the where will be the center of the temple (Where intersection of the diagonals of the the square basis) and there he dug his staff. Then he stayed with facing the sunrise.And when the sun has risen, in the shadow of the car (the wand) they determined the exact direction East - West. Because on March 22 (On the day of the vernal equinox) ay is equal to night, and the sun rises exactly from East, Yne. Ive described the ritual for the tension of the rope, but in order George I will repeat it again. The first pole stuck on the fourth node. Stretch it in his shadow and thus formed a 3 segments for the basis of the triangle. The votary turned to face the car and watched (dispose) the sequence of ritual. The first guard driving a second stake on the first node and 13th node (they are bind to an end for infinity) and stood face to face with the first votary, to maintain constant the most important direction East - West, path of the sun and the path of the soul of the Pharaoh during the his life to his physical death. Then second overseer counting off the 5 knots (4 sections) and stretched the rope while receiving triangle. And there stuck the third a peg and the angle between the cathetus was right at 90 degrees, as and for the hypotenuse remained five sections (12-7 = 5). Then detach the second peg and turns it straight up and again drove it (peg 2a). Stood facing perpendicular to the center and from there followed the second most important direction north - south. Then interferes the architect and with the hypotenuse of 5 sections under the gaze of the first votary (uncoupling peg 2a), he recorded a circle with center rod, starting from the north and rotated clockwise about virtual base of the temple. Then follow the four Fundamental directions draws a cross in the middle (East-West, North-South). This divides the circle on 4 equal parts (0 hours, 3 hours, 6 hours, 9 hours and 12 hours). And he began to measure - from 12 to 3 with rope, then its bisected by a straight line (bisector and median) intersect at point a in the circle and there stood the first journeyman. This was the first corner of the quadrate. Then measured out three times more to determine the remaining corners, once again (second time) he it is rotated clockwise starting from the East. So journeymen occupied the positions - Northeast, Southeast, Southwest and Northwest. These four points joining these with straight lines and that was the plan - quadrate for the base of the temple, oriented exactly in the four cardinal directions. 3) Did the Egyptians know what pi means and how it is embedded in the proportions of the Pyramid of Khufu? Yane, a book of Ancient Enigmas Peter James and Nick Thorpe is written: The perimeter of the Great Pyramid, divided by its height, multiplied by two, is equal to 3.14159, as is the value of the number Pi, used to calculate the circumference of the circle in its radius (diameter). And further says : And since the outer layer and the top of the pyramid missing we can accurately say what is the ratio between the height and circumference. It is approximately equal to Pi, ie 22 units divided by 7. Yane, my assertion is that the first priest knew what Pi is , so has ordered architects to build this high temple to enable time to be afraid of the pyramid. So heres my insight - Pi is constant time. And this is the definition: 360 ° on 10 arcs you divide and this is Pi - constant of the time exactly equal to 6 . Or in other words: Distance which makes the tip of the arrow seconds for 6 (36 °), divided by 1/5 of its length (5 arbitrary length of 5 sections) is exactly Pi. And heres my evidence bringing logic: 1. 22 is not divisible by 7, but the 360 ° is divided into 10 equal increments of 36 ° degrees. 2. Cant be split off time and therefore receives an irrational number (Ludolph’s number). 3. The time is measured in seconds and scales reading is a circle with 360 ° degrees, which is equal to 60 seconds. 4. Time is the fourth dimension and then with three-dimensional space form the visible world. 5. Root second of Pi is equal to the benchmark of the time - the first second. 6. The figure 5 (the apprentice) segments of the circle surrounding the temple follows number 6.Which means that Pi is constant for the time that we live in. And it is no coincidence, because how much are the possible inclination of the pyramid towards the base - Perhaps millions order to there is a match at the construction. That’s why there’s an Egyptian proverb that person is afraid of time (due to death), but time fears the pyramid. Why? Pi Ra clam..... 4) What do you want to tell us with this ancient priests largest construction? We know how the visible world was created and how to measure the fourth dimension...... So peak to him (GOD) is so high ...in order to determine its constant time! Bow before my Master Yan !!! time is exactly 7:00 on day 23 months 7 2014 after Christ IYI
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 08:03:00 +0000

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