4 Areas of Personality Development ave you ever felt that - TopicsExpress


4 Areas of Personality Development ave you ever felt that something is missing from you? May be you feel that your communication is poor. May be you find that people don’t take you seriously. Or maybe you feel empty from within. There are several problems people feel when it comes to their personality. It always boils down to one or more of the key areas of personality development. In order to effectively address all such issues, we need to know which areas of our personality need improvement. Only when we know this, can we focus our attention on imbibing more knowledge about those particular areas. This is the key to holistic personality development. What is holistic personality development? It is all about developing yourself into the very best you can be. In order to truly achieve that, we need to identify our strengths and weaknesses in the different areas of personality development. Because, without knowing ourselves, we can never improve ourselves. All-round personality development is about giving equal attention to all aspects of your personality. First, we need to take stock of the true state of affairs in each aspect of our personality. We can then figure out what is lacking, and work on it. In this article, let me share with your four areas of all-round personality development. Once you have read this, you can honestly evaluate your standing in each area, and start working on improving the weaker aspects. Values If we feel empty from within, or feel we don’t have a stable foundation, the problem may be with this area. It is the core of every personality. It is the set of ideals which we have imbibed, and which guide all our actions. We can start off by listing all that we hold sacred – the values that make up our unique self. A strong set of values is the cornerstone of a strong personality. Without this guiding moral compass, it is easy to stray far from our true potential. Character Those set of traits which make up our identity can be collectively called our character. It is also that particular combination of different personality traits that make up the unique you. Ultimately, it boils down to how you react to the situations that present themselves in your life. Will you fight or will you fly? The answer gives the strength of your character. A strong character is one that has purpose, courage and determination. It is the decision to live your life by your values. When backed by positive values, this can help you become a true achiever. And luckily, we can build a strong character from scratch, by working on skills like assertiveness, confidence, decisiveness, will power etc. Presentation No matter how great the content, the packaging always matters. The way people perceive us has a lot to do with the way we present ourselves. Appearances include physical appearance as well. A healthy body, confident gait, sure smile, firm handshake, proper attire – all these can make or break the impression we create in others’ minds. And this impression is important, because without this, people may just not take us seriously, and we may never have all the opportunities that we otherwise deserve. Interfacing Even if we have the appearance down pat, we may still fail on the interfacing part – and that is the social skills aspect of personality. Our communication skills and etiquette play a vital role in the way we are received by the society. Have you ever heard of someone say, “she is a great person, once you get to know her”? This means the problem is probably with the way she connects to others. And we all know what happens when we cannot connect to someone – we lose valuable contacts, opportunities and relationships.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 05:02:53 +0000

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