4 Easy And Trusted Way To Make Money Online Article writing: If - TopicsExpress


4 Easy And Trusted Way To Make Money Online Article writing: If you are a good writer, you can earn money by writing articles for people with websites. Many website owners know that they need to keep their websites current and up to date, but don’t have the time to constantly create new content for them. Because of that, they hire people who can write on their behalf. In order for you to become a content writer, here are some steps you can take: Post a profile on freelancing sites such as Elance, Guru, and Odesk. Describe your interests and your levels of expertise. Look for writing jobs on the same freelancing sites and apply for them. Google “writer job openings”. Ask the owners of websites that you already like if they are looking for writers. How much can I make out of writing? Content writing jobs pay anywhere from $1 to $100+ based on the length of the article and your expertise. If you’re already an expert on the topic you’re writing about, you can often charge a premium. Even if you are new to writing, you can make upwards of $.50 for each 100 words on an article. Become A Blogger: If there’s something you’re passionate about, you can create a blog where you can talk about it. This is a fun way to share your passions while learning and teaching about what you’re already excited about. In order to do this well, you would need to be a good writer with the ability to make people interested. You would also need to be able to post fairly regularly to a blog. Blogs can be monetized in several ways. Just some ways are to have companies pay you to post their advertisements (this is better for blogs with a lot of traffic), or put Google AdSense on your blog. With this option, Google pays you every time someone clicks on an advertisement. In order for you to become a Blogger, here are some steps you can take: Choose a company to blog with. Two of the most popular ones are Blogger or Wordpress. Decide if you want a free account or if you would like to host the blog on your own domain (if you bought a domain, your blog could like yourpassion, or a free account would look like yourpassion.wordpress). Most people opt to buy a domain so that their blog appears more professional. If you choose to do this, you’ll need to sign up with a hosting company (I recommend HostGator – their plans are as low as $4.95 a month), and then have your domain routed to the hosting company. This may sound difficult but it’s actually very easy, and HostGator’s customer support can help you with any questions. After your blog is set up, decorate it however you would like (Wordpress calls the blog skins “themes”, and Blogger calls them “templates”) Post news, lessons, stories, or anything relevant to your blog. Add content as frequently as possible so that you build up a regular readership base. Start advertising your site on social networks, amongst friends, or via other traffic methods. How much can I make out of blogging? It can take some time to establish a blog, but the profit potentials can be quite large. Some people report making in the millions of dollars from a blog. Your earnings will vary based on traffic you get to the blog, how interesting your content is, how often you post, and the types of advertisements you put on your blog. Sell A Service On Fiverr Fiverr is a website where people sell lots of services at $5 a pop. People sell all sorts of things there – from advice giving to article writing and many things in between. Browse through the site to get an idea of what people are offering. You can either offer the same things, create new “gigs”, or both. For every “gig” you sell, you make $4 and Fiverr keeps $1. Some of the more popular gigs can easily earn you $100 or more a day. In order for you to make money with Fiverr, here’s what to do: Sign up for an account with Fiverr.fiverr Click on “Start Selling” Click on “Create First Gig” Follow the instructions to create whatever gig you’d like Buy and Sell Items on eBay: If you frequent eBay, you can attempt to buy other people’s items and sell them for a higher price. A lot of times people misspell their listings or don’t quite know the value of what they’re selling, so you can score bargains and then resell them for a profit. Another alternative is to buy items in bulk and sell them individually to various buyers at a higher price. You can do this either by placing an advertisement to attract those interested in selling their unused items or browse through eBay itself to buy and sell old items. In order for you to buy and sell on eBay, here are some steps you can take: Go through eBay and see what items you can find. Purchase items which you think will sell well Identify buyers who would like to purchase the items You may also want to consider building up a website and advertising on places other than eBay. How much money can I make out of buying and selling items? This will depend on the profit margins you create and the value of each item. You can make anywhere from a few dollars to a few hundred. raina42098.wordpress
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 15:03:44 +0000

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