4 Important Advice for Youth Leaders 1. Passion You youth - TopicsExpress


4 Important Advice for Youth Leaders 1. Passion You youth leaders need to burn with passion for God and His holiness. Jonathan Edwards (1703-58) remarked how revivals were almost accompanied by the presence of young people. They go where fire is. When you blaze for God in the pulpit, all a sudden almost all of the young lads aspire to be preachers. There’s something about passion that captures their soul. They were made for fire. If you even look at the major stars in the secular world, multitudes follow those who are earnest and deeply passionate about what they do: footballers, actors, singers and artists, etc. There are few things as attractive and contagious as passion. So every one of you youth leaders should be on fire for Christ! You are commissioned to promote passion for prayer and for the Bible. Of course you all have different gifts and talents, but every one of you is called to live immersed in passion for the glory of God. 2. Be biblical One great need in today’s church is for Scriptural preachers. Youth leaders must impart the Word of God to their disciples. This means that your messages mustn’t be ego-based but Jesus-based. It means that you cannot remain silent where the Scripture has clearly spoken. Sin is sin. If you refuse to tell your young folk the truth, you are not being faithful to the Bible. I whole-heartedly recommend studying the Scriptures book by book in order to grasp the full richness of God’s revelation. It is also a good idea to speak once a month or so about one of major doctrines of the Christian faith. This helps forge a genuine Christian identity in the heart of the group. Nevertheless, you can only teach Scripture and doctrine well if you are an avid student of the Word. If you don’t know what you’re talking about when you start preaching, it will be more than evident. You can’t fool young folk. If you merely download a sermon from ‘Free Sermons Dot Com’ the night before, you’ll just make a monkey out of yourself. You’ve got to wrestle with the Word and from that struggle God’s voice will make itself heard. There is no mistaking a man who has had an experience with the Almighty. 3. Be with them Youth ministry –as with all ministry- isn’t just about preaching from a platform at the weekend. You’ve got to be with your young people the rest of the week. You can have fun together, go out somewhere, have a laugh or invite them round to your place to take a Coke or something. Be natural, loving and kind. Rejoice when they rejoice; weep when they weep. When the Protestant Reformation came about the difference in ministry styles between Catholicism and Protestantism was plain for all to see. The Catholic priest kept his distance from the people whereas the Protestant pastor was always with them. If you’re to be a shepherd of souls, you must smell of sheep. Youth leaders need to be there to lend a listening ear and a gracious embrace. 4. Character As a leader your character must be exemplary. You’ve got to be humble and live out what you preach. This means that you should be trustworthy and not a gossip. You can also be sincere and share about your fights, doubts and struggles. This makes you more human and it helps others to be transparent when they open up their heart to you. None of us are religious superstars immune from the battles of everyday life. We’re all in this together. They’ve got to know you’re people just like them. It’s also important to be a peaceful person. Try your best not to criticize and insult others unjustly. Refrain from giving your opinion until you know the whole situation. This seriousness and dominion of the tongue is one of the surest signs of divine wisdom and so it will be much easier to pour out godly counsel upon your youth group. Written By:Will Graham, 2014.
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 21:27:29 +0000

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