4 November, 2014 19:33 Dutch experts arrive in E.Ukraine for - TopicsExpress


4 November, 2014 19:33 Dutch experts arrive in E.Ukraine for MH17 debris - DPR Three Dutch experts investigating the Malaysian Airlines MH17 plane crash in Ukraine have arrived in the eastern city of Donetsk to prepare for the transportation of the plane’s debris, the Deputy Prime Minister of the Donetsk People’s Republic, Andrey Purgin told RIA Novosti on Tuesday. According to him, debris of the plane is still located at the crash site near the city of Torez. “Today [we] held the first meeting with the representatives of our emergencies service, the ministry of transportation and police. The experts also visited the crash site,” said Purgin. The passenger plane was downed on July 17 killing all 298 on board. 16:50 Kiev to send more troops to militia-backed eastern Ukraine Ukraines President Petro Poroshenko ordered to send new troops to protect cities in the east and southeast from a possible attack by local militia forces, Interfax news agency reported. Several new [military] units and groups have been formed which will allow immediately for a possible offensive on Mariupol, Berdyansk, Kharkiv and northern Luhansk, Poroshenko said at a meeting of the national security and defence council Tuesday. The move follows elections in the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics on Sunday, which Kiev did not recognize as legitimate. Tim Wall 14:45 Mexican mayor & his wife arrested over abduction of 43 students Mexican mayor Jose Luis Abarca and his wife have been arrested in Mexico City. They are accused of the mass abduction of 43 students at a college in rural Ayotzinapa on September 26. Mexican Attorney General Jesús Murillo Karam said the mayor ordered the police Chief Felipe Flores Velásquez to stop the students’ demonstration. At least one of the students was killed and the remaining students were handed over to a local criminal gang which had infiltrated in the police. Authorities have since arrested about 60 suspects, but the mayor and his wife were arrested only Tuesday. 13:37 Biden says he never apologized to Turkish president over ISIS comments US Vice President Joe Biden says he never apologized to Turkeys president Recep Tayyip Erdogan for claiming the country mistakenly helped Islamic State fighters enter Syria. Biden said his words were misreported and just needed clarification, which he offered to the Turkish leader. In a Harvard speech in October Biden elaborated that the problems with the Islamic State current offensive stemmed from Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE, because those nations were “so determined to take down Assad.” The Turkish president then demanded an apology, which was reportedly delivered by the US Vice President in a phone call. I never apologized to him. I know him well. Ive dealt with him, Biden told CNN, adding: Im not changing my brand. 13:26 Palestinian state to be created within 5 years – top EU diplomat The newly appointed EUs High Representative, Federica Mogherini, said the EU aims to see the establishment of a Palestinian state in the next few years. “Id be happy if by the end of my term, a Palestinian State was to exist,” said 41-year-old former Italian foreign minister in her first interview after taking office. To make sure she means business, she announced that her first official trip at the end of this week will be to Israel, where she is going to visit Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Ramallah and Gaza. 11:53 Body of last person missing in Costa Concordia wreckage found The body of the last missing victim of Italys biggest cruise ship disaster has been found on board the wrecked Costa Concordia, which is currently being dismantled in Genoa, La Stampa reported. The body is thought to be that of a missing Indian waiter. Scraps of the waiters uniform were found intact despite being underwater for so long, Repubblica wrote. Russel Rebello appeared to be the last person still missing from the disaster. The vessel, about twice the size of the Titanic, sank on January 13, 2012, with 4,229 people from 70 countries on board. 11:13 Russian Defense Ministry confirms fire on board anti-submarine ship Russia’s Defense Ministry has confirmed that a fire broke out in the stern of the anti-submarine vessel “Kerch.” No casualties have been reported, and the fire has been brought under control, according to RIA Novosti agency. Earlier, a senior Russian Navy source in Sevastopol told the agency that the fire had started on the vessel, which is in the port for repair. 11:01 Israel re-opens two crossings into Gaza Israel has re-opened the Erez and Kerem Shalom crossings with Gaza, according to an army spokesman, Tass news agency reports. The closure of crossings with Israel and of Rafah with Egypt came following a missile attack on Friday night. Hamas condemned the shutdown, stating that it violates the August ceasefire treaty. The crossing openings and missile attack come amid tensions about Jerusalem’s sacred site known to Jews as Temple Mount and to Muslims as Haram al-Sharif. 10:38 US drones kill over 20 al-Qaeda militants in central Yemen The US staged several overnight drone attacks on suspected militants near Rada, a town in south Yemen which fell under al-Qaeda control in 2012, AFP reports. According to tribal sources and eyewitnesses, the militants were preparing to withdraw from the town ahead of approaching Houthi rebels, a powerful group of Shiites with whom they have been fighting for control over the Al-Bayda province for almost two weeks, during the attack. Washington has acknowledged using drones in Yemen, but does not typically confirm specific attacks. 09:46 S. African prosecutors appeal Oscar Pistorius verdict South African prosecutors have filed an appeal against the sentence and conviction of Oscar Pistorius. Last month the Paralympian athlete was sentenced to five years in prison for shooting dead his girlfriend on Valentines Day. Pistorius said he shot in the belief an intruder had sneaked into his home, and the judge cleared him of murder. The National Prosecuting Authority said Today, we announce that the NPA filed the application for leave to appeal both the conviction and sentence, adding that the appeal was “based on the question of law.” Pistorius’s lawyers have called for his release from prison. 09:09 Islamic State releases 93 Syrian Kurds, 6 remain in captivity The militant Islamic State group has released 93 Syrian Kurds captured in February when moving from northern Syria to Iraq, Reuters reported. According to the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, around 100 people were seized and accused of being members of the Kurdish Democratic Union Party, which opposes the militants. All but six of the Kurds have been released. The remaining captives have been accused of theft, and Islamic State allegedly said it would cut off their right hands as punishment. 08:06 Russia humanitarian convoy delivers aid to East Ukraine A column of 10 trucks carrying humanitarian aid, sent by Russias Emergencies Ministry, has reached Lugansk. “Ten trucks have arrived in Lugansk, bringing 50 tons of medicines and fuel. The convoy is starting to be unloaded,” said the deputy head of the National Emergencies Center, Oleg Voronov. The regional government had ordered 100 tons of medicines to be brought as well as fuel, which is much needed in Donetsk and Lugansk. This is the sixth convoy to have provided humanitarian aid, with thousands of tons of aid having already been delivered, including generators, drinking water and warm clothing. 07:12 Obama declares Hawaiian volcano lava flow a major disaster US President Barack Obama has declared the slow-moving lava flow from the Puu Oo vent of the Kilauea volcano in Hawaii to be a major disaster, the White House stated, as cited by Reuters. Obama pledged to give federal funds to help to protect local residents. On Sunday, two residents were charged with trespassing after police found them taking photos in close proximity to the molten lava. The flow began moving towards the village of Pahoa on Hawaiis Big Island on June 27. 06:29 Venezuela shoots down trespassing plane Venezuelas Air Force has shot down a plane over the western state of Apure on the border with Colombia, the countrys defense minister said on his Twitter account. It is the wreckage of a King-200 type plane that trespassed into our airspace and was shot down by the personnel of the strategic command of the Bolivarian Armed Forces southeast of Elorza, in the Apure state, Gen. Vladimir Padrino Lopez wrote, posting a photo of the wreckage. In 2012, Venezuela’s National Assembly approved a law which allows the Bolivarian National Air Force to intercept and disable aircraft violating national air space regulations. 04:11 US House of Representatives candidate dies after car crash A Democratic candidate for the US House of Representatives has died after suffering severe injuries during a car crash in Oklahoma on Friday, AP reports. Earl Emmitt Everett, 81, was crossing a highway when he was struck by another vehicle. He died on Sunday at a local hospital in Tulsa. We honor the memory of Mr. Everett, a Korean War veteran, and his desire to represent the people of eastern Oklahoma, Oklahoma Democratic Party Chairman Wallace Collins said in a statement. Anyone that is willing to put their name on a ballot in order to be voted on by their peers as a public servant deserves our admiration and respect. 02:27 Russia ready to send 6th load of aid to Ukraine The sixth load of Russian humanitarian aid is ready to be shipped to the suffering people of Ukraines Donbass region, according to Oleg Voronov, deputy head of the Russian Ministry for Emergency Situations. The shipment will consist of over 100 tons of food and medical supplies and will be sent via 20 lorry trucks to Lugansk and Donetsk. 01:42 Suspect at large after shooting 1 person at Delaware State University residence hall One person has been shot at an off-campus residence hall and the shooter is at large, a spokesman at Delaware State University said, according to AP. The shooting reportedly took place after 4 p.m. at the Living and Learning Commons. The victim was taken to a hospital and campus was put on lockdown while police search for the suspect. 00:48 Gunmen kill 5 in Saudi Arabia Five people were killed after being shot by three unidentified gunmen during an attack in the town of al-Dalwah in al-Ahsa district, a police spokesman told the state news agency. Nine people were also wounded from “machine gun and pistol” fire. No further details were provided.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 02:26:57 +0000

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