4. Please how can you know when a man is serious being that the - TopicsExpress


4. Please how can you know when a man is serious being that the man in question is funny and when you ask him to explain the kind of relationship he is into with you, he will ask you to answer the question yourself (i.e. what you are to him?) Ans: If he is not willing to commit himself with his words then he is not a serious option for you. By asking you to make the commitment he can always tomorrow claim that he never told you anything, that it came from your lips not his. If you are in search of something more serious and commitment, you may need to move on. 5. Please what if in a situation where a girl accept proposal but she was forced to accept by her parents because her parents loved the guy. But the girl has no feelings for the guy. But the man of God she met for like two occasions said that the guy is her husband; what should the girl do, should she continue with the marriage or cut off. Can love grow during marriage? Ans: ‘The Holy Spirit told me to tell you’ is not enough reason to get married to someone you do not love. Remember that marriage does not change a person. He will still be the same person he is now after you marry him and if you do not love him now, you may most likely not love him after marriage. On the other hand, it is advisable to get to know him and let your relationship go through the different phases. If judging by all standards, both physical and spiritual (a personal conviction, not the one told you by a ‘man of God’), you still do not want to marry him and your parents still insist, then get other people involved; it may be friends of your family or someone your parents respect and will listen to. Also keep praying for God to touch their hearts. 6. My question is, a man you are planning to get married to but yet he feels reluctant to help you with your financial needs, stingy. Is it that the person is really stingy due to insecurity or naturally stingy? And will he continue this stinginess even in marriage? Ans: Has he proposed to you or do you ‘think’ he wants to marry you? If your relationship has gone as far as courtship, you should have studied him enough to know if he is naturally stingy. You should have seen examples of how he treats others: his family members, friends, etc. If however, at courtship stage he is not willing to help you out financially even when he can, then you should be sure that he will continue the same way after marriage. Feel free to add your own views as comments.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Jun 2013 15:00:57 +0000

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