4 REASONS WHY WINTER KABIMBAs statement- PRAYING FOR PF TO LOSE IN 2016 IS LIKE PRAYING FOR A PIG TO FLY DOES NOT MAKE SENSE but only remain false political comfort for the ruling party: 1. History has shown us that most politicians tend to take people for granted once they take up office and always asume that losing an election is impossible.This is a dangerous path of false comfort WINTER and the entire PF camp are walking. Even at the point downfall, Sadam, Gadaffi, Mubaraki, KK or even recently RB all thought and talked like WINTER: PRAYING FOR PF TO LOSE IN 2016 IS LIKE PRAYING FOR A PIG TO FLY. But where are they today? These are fallen or even dead political heroes and the pigs they thought cannot fly as long as they remain in power now fly everrwhere. In fact, WINTER said almost the same words SADAM or KK said at the point when most people told them that Mr. President change the approach because you are losing popularity. But political power was so much in SADAM, KK, RB or GADDAFI to the extent that they were blinded to believe that they were untouchable and no political pig could fly as long as they were power. I see WINTER and the PF at this cross road of FALSE POLITICAL COMFORT were popularist politicians become mothered with all kinds of man made political deafness and blindness. 2. It is also becoming very clear that UPND is gaining grounds and BECOMING POPULAR NOW than in 2011. This is AN EMPIRICAL FACT that PF and others will ignore at their own peril. For example, lets the KATUBA SEAT as the basis of comparison. In 2011, UPND got 3,531 (26%). In 2014 bye elections last month, UPND 4,781 (51%). The figures above clearly show that UPNDs popularity and performance in THIS KATUBA AREA has significantly improved by more than 100% in less than 3yrs. It is a big political statement except that the HH camp may not replicate this in most parts of Zambia and this should remain their home work. For now, we cannot ignore the fact that UPND is doing FAR MUCH BETTER than before and this is ALL BECAUSE most voters are losing trust and confidence in the ruling party and MMD. Overall, since September 2011 to date, Zambia has held 19 by- elections. Of the 19 seats, PF has won 10 seats, MMD has won 3, while UPND has won 6. On the other hand, Zambia, has had 127 local government elections, since Sept 2011, PF has won 91, MMD has won 22, UPND has won 14. All these figures although PF tops show that UPND is gaining grounds and becoming the main rival which may emerge as the strongest opposition camp soon than we think. At this point, we could still insist that it is FALSE SELF COMFORT and anyone to ignore UPND and conclude like WINTER that PRAYING FOR PF TO LOSE IN 2016 IS LIKE PRAYING FOR A PIG TO FLY. Winter must be honest and see that there already some POLITICAL PIGS that are FLYING FROM BOTH THE PF AND MMD TO UPND in terms of votes in most places and 2016 may magnify this trend or expose more pigs in the air if they fail to do the right thing and bring things under PF political control in line with majoritys expectations. 3. Winter, SCOT, SATA and the PF team could be working an a DANGEROUS HYPOTHESIS of: IF WE CAN DELIVER MODERN ROADS, RAILWAYS, AIRPORTS, STADIA, SCHOOLS AND HEALTH SERVICES 2 THE MAJORITY ZAMBIANS, MOST PIPO WILL VOTE 4 US IN 2016. I see them running at this hypothesis and gambling the votes in 2016 on this basis. Look at the pace HON. CHIKWANDA is borowing MONEY? Last week, they inceased domestic borrowing from K200 Million to K13 Billion for economic projects of which the above sectors fits very well in their political hypothesis...And if they can achieve the hypothesis, how many rural or urban voters will vote them out? The simple answer could be MANY VOTERS COULD STILL VOTE THEM OUT DESPITE ALL THE THINGS THEY WANT TO DO FOR ZAMBIANS. Ask RB and the MMD team. RB had the same political hypothesis. We saw many RB roads, schools, health posts, hospticals, etc but the VOTERS still voted him out because he became UNPOPULAR. Comrade WINTER must know that when a party and a leader become UNPOPULAR, whatever they do as a team or government is NEVER APPRECIATED BY MOST PEOPLE ON THE GROUND EXCEPT THE FEW UN-OBJECTIVE CITIZENS THEY ARE EATING WITH WHO ARE DIRECTLY LINKED TO THE RULING CLASS. This is where WINTERs open statements does not make sense in some ways but only exposes that as PF they are either pretending to be safe and fine or they are blinded by a dangerous and misleading hypothesis of IF WE DELIVER WHAT MOST is VOTERS NEED AND CAN SEE, THEY WILL VOTE FOR US IN 2016.This hypothesis has failed before under RB and MMD and it cannot be strange if it failed in 2016 for PF.This is were WINTER and the PF need technical assistance from all angles because PIGS MAY JUST FLY IN THEIR FACE in 2016 as ZAMBIANS VOTERS are unpredictable in many places. 4. Lastly, PIGS MAY FLY IN 2016 because the PF has many internal and external rivals and enemies than any political party in the history of Zambia. Internally, they have camps such as the GIVEN LUBINDA, GBM, WINTER, KAMBWILI, CHIKWANDA and the MAINSTREAM SATA camp among other internal divids. The PF is a dangerous and serious divid house that has many cracks to the extent falling apart own its own may be eaiser than we think. Externally, the PF is fighting running battles with critical stakeholders on different issues and few are wishing and praying for them to remain in power. The Barotseland people feel betrayed and hate them like poisoned weed. The BEMBA ROYAL ESTABLISHMENT under CHITIMUKULU are equally agreived and only praying SATA leave office soonest. The church mother bodies, the main goverance NGOs like NGOCC, FODEP, OASIS FORUM or even the lawyers camp under LAZ are all fighting running battles with SATA and the PF. Plus ALL THE AMIN OPPOSION are dangerously wishing PF MISFORTUNE soonest. This is why WINTERS STATEMENT DOES NOT MAKE SENSE because there more pigs that may fly in 2016 as the ruling party has already allowed MOST BIG PIGS to fly out of their TITANIC SHIP.This big pigs have more small pigs to influece and WINTER may be shocked that come 2016, the sky may have all sorts of pigs happily flying like wise birds from the east....I just hope this is a wake call for WINTER and the entire PF team to do the right thing while it is day because the night may come when it may be too late to turn the ship in the right direction.... zambianintelligencenews/2014/03/03/the-pf-is-gaining-ground-in-places-where-they-in-2011-got-less-votes-or-were-unpopular-says-political-scientist/
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 05:22:39 +0000

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