4. Think short and long term: Recent graduates should not base - TopicsExpress


4. Think short and long term: Recent graduates should not base their decision to consolidate solely on their current financial picture, Mayotte says. After all, for many graduates, it will improve over time. If borrowers enter a profession where salaries typically start lower and then increase over time, income-based repayment might be the best option, she says. However, if the inverse is true, then consolidation warrants a serious look. Graduates entering fields such as social work, where salaries dont increase significantly over time, may benefit from consolidation and an income-based repayment plan, she says. Loan consolidation can also be a lifeline for borrowers in default, says Loonin, with the National Consumer Law Center. Graduates with delinquent loans may be told they need to bring their loans current in order to consolidate, but that isnt always the case, she adds. If its that far gone, its often a good strategy to get out of default, she says, but warns there is a lot of misinformation about prerequisites for the process. Students may not have to make payments first, she says, as long as they choose an income-based repayment plan.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 21:56:52 +0000

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