4 Tips to Safe Summer Travel With Allergies When your child has - TopicsExpress


4 Tips to Safe Summer Travel With Allergies When your child has a food allergy, traveling safely takes some planning. 4 things to do before you hop on the plane. Tips for traveling safely with food allergies. 1. Contact your physician and discuss the travel-related risks involved. If your doctor prescribes an epinephrine (adrenalin) auto-injector (such as EpiPen), keep the medication in your purse or carry-on baggage. Once on the plane, keep it in an easily accessible place such as the seat pocket. 2. Before booking your flight, read the carrier’s allergy policy posted on its website. Find it with the search function using the words “allergies” or “peanuts.” When making your reservation, ask the agent how the airline deals with allergen-sensitive fliers and whether it can make any accommodations—for example, a nut-free “buffer zone.” If possible, find an airline that doesn’t serve peanut or tree nut snacks. Ask if any no-peanut policy applies across all classes of service. 3. Even if the airline doesn’t serve peanuts or another food you’re allergic to, it cannot restrict the type of snacks that other passengers may bring on board. Keep in mind that no airline can guarantee a totally peanut- or tree nut-free flight. 4. Bring your own meals on board with you. Always check with the airline directly to see if it has any restrictions on food brought on board. Nonperishable foods are best as some airlines have regulations restricting the re-heating of passengers’ food. If you are traveling internationally or have stopovers, check the applicable quarantine laws of the countries you’re traveling to or through. Some countries do not allow certain types of food to be carried even in transit.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Jul 2013 14:50:55 +0000

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