4 Ways to Talk Yourself Out of Overeating Halloween Candy Do - TopicsExpress


4 Ways to Talk Yourself Out of Overeating Halloween Candy Do your thoughts talk you into eating candy quicker than the time it takes you to open up the wrapper? Even when you have the best intentions of cutting down on sweets, you may find yourself mindlessly indulging on candy bars and candy corn this week. Why do we do this when we dont really want a sugar buzz or the guilt? Sometimes your mind may be the root of the problem. Lets take a few moments to identify some of the most common Halloween thought sabotages and how to address them. At the end of the day, improving your eating often starts with changing the way you think. Thoughts lead to action. Why? We respond to thoughts automatically (or on autopilot) without even really pausing to investigate them closer. Here are a few tricky Halloween thoughts: 1) But kids will be disappointed if I dont give them candy. This notion is a common myth. Research shows that kids are just as happy to receive pencils, erasers, stickers etc. Also, kids are savvier than you think. Many are wise to the fact that they cant (and shouldnt!) eat the whole bag. Be mindful of your relationship to candy. If candy is just too hard to have around this time of year, skip it all together and by non-food treats. For those that must buy candy, avoid purchasing super-sized bags. Under rather than overestimate how much you need. Or, wait until Halloween to buy candy. Stick to bite-sized treats. The Thought Antidote: Say to yourself: Its about celebrating Halloween, not celebrating candy! 2) Ill have just one piece of candy! This is an unrealistic statement that often results in the, I blew it effect. If you eat a second piece you may think, What-the-heck-I-blew-it-anyway. This is what psychologists call, all-or-nothing thinking. Avoid all-or-nothing thinking by being more flexible and realistic. Sort carefully through the candy. Place into piles 1) love it 2) like it 3) not interested. Notice which pile is the biggest? Reframe your thoughts to mindfully choose the pieces you truly love instead of eating on autopilot. The Thought Antidote: I can mindfully eat a few of my very favorites. 3) I cant resist! Its tough having so much candy hanging around! Place candy out of sight in the back of the cupboard or in a drawer. This will significantly cut down on the mindless grazing or picking at it. This is the, I see it, therefore I want it effect and the, I want it just because its there. If you really crave it, you will go hunt for it. Otherwise, keeping it tucked away can help. Also, buy one kind of candy. The more varieties you have increases the likelihood that you will try out each kind. The Thought Antidote: I dont need to resist eating candy. I need to resist eating candy on autopilot. 4) But, it is Halloween. It only comes once a year! Remind yourself that it is okay to enjoy chocolate. The trick is to do so mindfully whether it is Halloween or not. Yes! It is possible. Keep your mind on this piece of candy instead of jumping onto the next one. Notice whether your mind tells you, The next piece of candy will make me happy. Savor this one. Eat it slowly. The Thought Antidote: Halloween comes once a year, but candy is around all year long. This isnt my last chance. When changing your thoughts, the overall goal is to: 1) Notice the excuses/thoughts as they pop up into your mind. Sometimes these thoughts play like background music. You hear them but arent really listening. 2) Remember that just because you have the thought doesnt mean you have to obey it.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 11:55:28 +0000

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