4 weeks had gone by, working 10 hour night shifts on the - TopicsExpress


4 weeks had gone by, working 10 hour night shifts on the production line in the factory, travelling to court having showered up after coming back from work, no time for sleep, only thing keeping me awake was the truth and that thing we all tend not to see, our spirit. Sitting behind that glass, in an environment I never thought I would ever be part of in my life time, Mr Singh please make your way to the witness box. I make my way to the box shaking, for the first time ever my voice will be heard. I take the step into the box, asked to swear by God to speak the truth......asked to confirm my name by my legal team, in an environment full of professional people in black gowns, I answered “Peter Singh, shaking like I have never shaken before. The only thing I could think of while answering my name was the fear these people had put into myself and my family. It kicks off with a few basic questions about my qualifications (not many lol, a few GCSE’s . There I was, found myself stood in front of around 100 people in this massive court room, 7 different legal teams and the prosecution. The court room looked a hell of a lot different to what it did in the previous weeks sitting behind the glass. Everyone looking at me, I be straight, yeah I was nervous about answering such simple questions about where I studied and my previous jobs in supermarkets. The judge calls for a 15 minute break, relieved at this point, I went to my room which was arranged for the trial. 4 walls, no windows. I walked in and asked myself some dam serious questions. Firstly are you really scared of these batmen dressed in black gowns? If your frightened to answer the batmen here to support you and put the truth together, what you going to do when the bad guys try putting lies in your mouth sunshine…. You’ve seen worse than this Peter, this is nothing…… Wow…. My heart answered this question for me in an instance…. I had around 10 minutes left before the break was over….. I spent that time wisely, I could feel my inner spirit asking me will the real Peter Singh please stand up and do what you been called to do..... When I came out of that room…. I came out a different man to the man that was standing there 15 minutes ago…. It went from strength to strength, I spent 5 days stood in that witness box being cross examined by all these opposition legal teams and the prosecution. The judge asks me if I would like to take a seat, "you have been standing all day, everyday…your legs must be tired" I reply “no I’m ok your honour, lets crack on” This wasn’t about being tired, this wasn’t about not sleeping, this wasn’t about standing their for 5 days. This had a deeper meaning, a meaning of truth, a meaning of seeing something I wasn’t before I was, I keep telling you vision changed my life….. the outcome, Peter Singh, Not Guilty, referred to by the prosecution as a defendant in a wholly unique position, had we known the story of Peter Singh during the police interview stage he would not be here today. For the first time in a British trial a prosecutor going out of his way to protect a defendant. Now… I share this with you……. because I had to go through some serious pain to take my life to a level a few years ago I may have thought would be impossible….I’m the first entrepreneur in the history of my family, financially free within a matter of months. I will become an author and I have not even started yet… yes Peter Singh, the gambler, Peter Singh the factory worker….use your dam pain and recycle this into a legacy my friends….. don’t play victim….. Belief changed my world. Only you can define who you are. Your circumstances are nothing compared to you, so why on earth allow them to dictate who your are! "Life is a gift, a gift with a meaning only you can define" - Peter Singh youtube/petersigh19k
Posted on: Tue, 08 Oct 2013 22:58:04 +0000

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