4 what values are important to me? Disko the kitten person - TopicsExpress


4 what values are important to me? Disko the kitten person MUSIC!!!!! (if its not a value it is now) VALUE etymology (origins of): 1275 - 1325; Middle English < Old French, noun use of feminine past participle (cf. valuta) of valoir < Latin valera to be worth be strong, be well; be of value, be worth (see valiant). The meaning social principle is attested from 1918, supposedly borrowed from the language of painting. Honouring self and intuition. Intuitive living: I know what I know, I see what I see, I feel what I feel. Bearing accurate witness (to suffering / to anything). Third Wave Feminism. Reflexive thinking (checking own premises). Responsibility for own instincts. loyalty / trust (we learn to trust those who are trustworthy) / HUMOUR (LAUGHING MY FCKNG ASS OFF AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE) SPONTANEITY NOT planning anything too much go with the flow but do NOT follow anyone / thing but my HPs TRANSPARENCY in every sense walking beside not in front or behind friendships (slightly dysfunctional surrogate family friendships ;) ) LOVE CARING ADVENTURE (is NOT disneyland) RECIPROCITY EGALITARIANISM DIVINE JUSTICE (NOT human justice and human law) COMMUNITY CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS where you can say anything communication clear and direct communication calling a spade a spade (telling it like it is / iz) excitement excellence COMMUNITY WHERE ALL ARE VALUED EQUALLY (if EVERYONE cant go i dont wanna go neither) anti-racism basically every kind of anti oppression crap including our four legged brothers and sisters being around people who are open and honest ethical practice pleasure physical challenge COOPERATION (as opposed to competition) EFFECTIVENESS EFFICIENCY NAPS easily accessible dissemination of all information (no intellectual or political elitism) leadership fast living (and lots of naps) spontaneity personal development working alone working with others solitude FUNfunFUN finding fun in the ordinary feeling ALL feelings expressing all feelings not necessarily in same place -without taking hostages learning / intellect / creativityCREATIVITYcreativity / honouring all types of knowledge and genius (everyone is it is not just in some of us it is in all of us) story telling / story tellers / narrative status - the lower the better -maybe this has to go lol QUALITY not want-ity quantity quality of what i take part in quality of relationships fast living and naps sharing MAGIC independence interdependence self-respect brave-coward bravery diversity decolonizing / anti-oppressing our own minds and not forcing others to do this educating oneself / whatever that looks like LOVE LAUGHTER LIFE (live, live at all costs live) INNOVATION rebel with a mission (no angry activist shit) i hate nature freedom time freedom Hopi Indian time :)
Posted on: Fri, 04 Apr 2014 22:14:37 +0000

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