40 ANNALS OF BATH COUNTY Robert Abercrombie and Jacob Marlin - TopicsExpress


40 ANNALS OF BATH COUNTY Robert Abercrombie and Jacob Marlin were thereby abated. His personality of $1 106.07 ranked him among the nabobs of early Bath. The appraisement by Ralph Laverty, George Wilson, and Archi- bald Elliot mentions 23 horses, 18 cattle, and some timothy seed. A lancet, and the instrument of torture styled a tooth drawers would appear to indicate that he made some pretensions to the heal- ing art. It took, seven gallons of liquor to lubricate the sale of the personal effects. Archibald Bourland, the executor, named the fol- lowing persons at the vandue: James Bourland, James Brown, Thomas Bryan, John Carlile, John Crockett, William Davis, Robert Duffield, Andrew Dunlap, Charles Dunlap, Archibald Elliot, Samuel Ferguson, Alexander Gillespie, John Graham, Napthalim Gregory, William Hamilton, John Harden, Michael Harper, George Lewis, James Lockridge, Joseph Mayse. Samuel McAlvery, Alexander Millroy, Nathan Patterson, David Stanley, John Warrick, John Williamson, George Wilson, and Alexander Wright. A number of these persons lived more than 20 miles away. According to C. K. Bolton, the following Ulster immigrants came from county Antrim. The Arbuckles, Campbells, Clarks, Crawfords, Givens, Harpers, Jacksons, Jamesons, McCays; from Derry, the Grahams, Lockridges, Pattons, Rheas; from Down, the Carliles, Dunlaps, Mathews, Steuarts ; from Donegal, the Brat- tons, Hamiltons; from Londonderry, the Kincaids; from- Tyrone, the Burnsides, Knoxes, and Walkups. Certain of the families who have migrated from this country include names of considerable prominence. Thus James B. McCreery and his cousin, Thomas C. McCreery, of Kentucky, are great grandsons of Robert, son of John McCreery, of the Cowpasture. Both these men have served in the United States Senate, and the former has twice been governor of his state. Dr. Charles McCreery, the first physi- cian to remove the collar-bone in a surgical operation, which was done in 1813, was a son of Robert. By way of North Caro- lina we are told that Zebulon B.. Robert B.. and Robert E. Vance of North Carolina, are of the Vance family of Back Creek. All three served in Congress. The first was also a famous governor of North Carolina, and the second was a brigadier general in the Con- federate army. Meigs County, Tennessee, is named for Return Jon- athan Meigs, a descendent of the Clendennins. C. C. OHara. an AREAS OF SETTLEMENT 41 eminent geologist, appears to be a descendant of the OHara who once lived on the Cowpasture. William Bratton, one of the picked men of the Lewis and Clarke expedition
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 02:37:11 +0000

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