40 DAYS DAILY DEVOTIONS WITH PREACHER SAM Day 40: SALVATION Reading: Rom. 10:8-17 When you study the whole book of Romans, you will discover that they are all Gods solution for the human dilemma. Romans lays out the major themes of sin, salvation, redemption, justification, grace and reconciliation. In todays passage we just read, we saw the steps in been saved; which we will discuss after understanding the definition. Since the Bible was written in both Hebrews (Old Testament) and Greek (New Testament), we will begin our study with the literal definitions of the word salvation in these languages. In the Hebrew language the word for salvation is yesha, from which we have Joshua. Yasha has this meaning: to be wide, or roomy-a broad and spacious places. Yasha communicates the idea of freedom. It is liberation from confinement, constriction, and limitation. The word for salvation in the Greek language the word is sozo or soteira; meaning cure, revoery, remedy. The word salvation in the Bible is used in many different ways. The basic meaning is deliverance from danger. You could use the term to refer to healing of diseases, deliverance from fear, deliverance from famine, deliverance, from enemies, deliverance from bondage, and so on. Now that we now understand what Salvation means, the big question is WHY SALVATION? The first reason is that without Salvation, you will end up in hell (Rev. 21:27), the other reason is that without Salvation, you will remain a slave to the devil (Jn. 8:34). Now, what are the steps? First, you must accept the fact that all have sinned (Rom. 3:23). Second, confess all you sins to Him (1 Jn. 1:9). Third, believe that Jesus dies for your sins and God raised Him from the dead (Rom. 10:9). Finally, we have come to the end of this devotional. God must be praised! Prayer Point: Lord Jesus, I know Im a sinner, I know Ive lived a sinful life. Please come into my life and be my Lord and Saviour. Please come and create a new life in me so that I may live a peaceful life. Write my name in the Book of Life and erase my name from the Book of Death. Also grant to me the grace to follow you to the end. In Jesus name Ive prayed, Amen. Action Point: After you have said this prayer of salvation, you have to develop a new habit of praying and reading the Bible. Also, go to a bible-based church where you can learn more about Jesus. Move with Christian believers so that they also can contribute to your Christian life. And most importantly, GO AND MAKE DISCIPLES OF ALL NATIONS. Dont keep the gospel to yourself, pass it on!!! GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!! Mon. 28-07-14
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 16:15:06 +0000

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