40 DAYS OF HOPE Day 20 Today were fasting from the thought - TopicsExpress


40 DAYS OF HOPE Day 20 Today were fasting from the thought that says: I just cant break this habit (of anger, worry, addiction, etc.). Many people think they are stuck with things the way they are. Lets CHANGE IT TODAY: 1. Understand the nature of a habit. It starts with a thought, then a decision, an action, then a habit. Deal with the thought. (Proverbs 23:7) 2. Dont focus on trying to change the habit. Change the thoughts that are feeding it. And the habit WILL CHANGE. 3. Rid yourself of the mindset that you are under that habit’s control. Youre above, not beneath! (Deut 28:13) Youre in control. 4. Believe Gods promise to supply all your needs. (Philippians 4:19) Gods supply flushes out your dependence and need for anything else. 5. Embrace the power of attachment. Instead of trying to de-tach from the habit, attach to Gods love, and promises. You will begin to see change. 6. Commit to the process. (Romans 12:2) It often takes 6 weeks to change a habit. We are now 3 weeks into our fast from wrong thinking. Stay with it every day. Its working. THINK IT & SAY IT: I am not bound to my past or former habits. Im a new creature in Christ. The power of those habits has been broken. I feed myself thoughts of power. I am more than a conqueror and cannot be controlled by anything but the Word of God and the Holy Spirit, in Jesus Name. HOPE JOURNAL PRAYER: Take five minutes to write down Father God’s response to the question: Papa, reveal any lies I am believing that keep me tied to this habit and what do you want to give me in exchange for this habit?
Posted on: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 05:29:14 +0000

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