40 Days With Jesus Dennis Gladden March 25 (Day 14) Reading: - TopicsExpress


40 Days With Jesus Dennis Gladden March 25 (Day 14) Reading: Mark 12:41-44, Luke 21:1-4 The shortest verse in the Bible is two words: Jesus wept (John 11:35). Another, just as short, could be: Jesus saw. You would think Jesus would be too busy to see what he did on this day, one of the last days before his death. He has the fallout from his triumphal entry into Jerusalem to deal with. There is growing interest both among the people to anoint him king and among the leaders to see him dead. He is teaching, debating, preparing the disciples for his departure and certainly his imminent crucifixion is on his mind. This is a busy final week. Yet, Jesus sees. He sees the commercialism in the Temple, and drives out the moneychangers. He sees the barrenness of a fig tree, and curses it. He sees the ignorance of the Bible scholars, and schools them. With the disciples he admires the magnificence of the Temple, and prophesies. And now, he spots this widow in the throng of worshipers and deliberately takes the time to call attention to her. “I tell you with certainty,” Jesus said, “this destitute widow has put in her whole livelihood” (Mark 12:44, NKJV). He saw the rich people, he saw the widow, he saw the gifts and he spoke with authority, with the certainty of seeing more than the moment. He saw her entire life. Everything she had — two pennies. Everything she didn’t have — her poverty. Everything she once had — a husband, dreams, hope, a future. And everything she lost. Jesus saw. This reminds me of the Samaritan woman in John 4. When Jesus sat by her at a well he again saw more than the moment. He saw her life. He told her just one personal fact — she had had five husbands — and she ran to her neighbors, “Come, see a man who told me everything Ive ever done!” (John 4:29, emphasis mine). Do you think God is so busy He has no time for you? He sees. Have you been overlooked? This same Jesus, who saw the gift of two pennies, sees you now. Are you oppressed, neglected, mistreated? This same Jesus, who saw the widow’s life, sees yours. By the same token, do you have anger, bitterness, resentment or malice in your heart and you are planning revenge? Jesus sees that, too. Jesus sees it all, so won’t you give it all to him? He will handle it in ways you can’t imagine. Don’t be surprised by this. Jesus told us his father sees the sparrow when it falls and, after all, Jesus is his father’s son.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 02:30:09 +0000

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